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Ethics in Medicine

Acupuncture as Appropriate for Knee Arthritis as Synvist

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Gray Matter Thinning with Chronic Back Pain: Maybe Artifact

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Antibiotics: The Sobering Truth

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Power of Placebo: 50% for medications

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Exercise, Not Surgery, for Back Pain

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Mindfulness for Weight Loss in the Overweight Patient

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Ethics in Medicine

Guidelines for Hypertension Medications Eased

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Transfats: A complicated and interesting history

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Ethics in Medicine

Anti-Bacterial Soap Must Show Efficacy

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Ethics in Medicine

Sanity on Statins: Part 4? or is it 5?

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Ethics in Medicine

Acupuncture as Appropriate for Knee Arthritis as Synvist

Of course, I would have loved to see acupuncture come in with a resounding recommendation, but given the panel, I will take what I can get. They didn’t dismiss acupuncture  and it came in tied with Synvist injections.  In the category of “always recommended” there was exercise and strength training and “weight management” and corticosteroid…

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Health & Fitness

Gray Matter Thinning with Chronic Back Pain: Maybe Artifact

Still more background on Pain and the Brain Clin J Pain. 2013 Oct 16. Phenotype Matters: The Absence of a Positive Association between Cortical Thinning and Chronic Low Back Pain when Controlling for Salient Clinical Variables. Dolman AJ, Loggia ML, Edwards RR, Gollub RL, Kong J, Napadow V, Wasan AD Abstract Studies have associated chronic…

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Ethics in Medicine

Antibiotics: The Sobering Truth

  The link below is to a detailed article about the hazards and long term implications of antibiotics and the importance of your gut flora. AcupunctureToday.com-Your-Gut-Why-You-Should-Be-Very-Afraid-1389910102 http://www.acupuncturetoday.com/mpacms/at/article.php?id=32839

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Health & Fitness

Power of Placebo: 50% for medications

The issue of the placebo effect is incredibly important to the acupuncture community.  It should be of greater importance to the Medical Community, both for drugs and surgeries. When you take a pill, you and your doctor hope it will work — and that helps it work. That’s not a new idea. But now researchers…

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Health & Fitness

Exercise, Not Surgery, for Back Pain

Perhaps surgery is not the greatest idea for back pain???  Those of us who provide alternatives would heartily agree, since we end up seeing many of the post operative patients who are still in pain.  From npr.   Groopman, a Harvard cancer specialist who writes about medicine for The New Yorker, wanted the problem fixed…

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Health & Fitness

Mindfulness for Weight Loss in the Overweight Patient

I attended this research conference on Friday (summary of presenters and study follow).  They divided a large sample size of overweight patients into two groups.  One group received diet and exercise instruction and group discussion and simple stress reduction techniques.  The other group received mindfulness training, and a specialized program of mindful eating.  Both groups…

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Ethics in Medicine

Guidelines for Hypertension Medications Eased

Common sense guidelines instead of arbitrarily treating a number in the elderly.  Still fairly strict, BP should be below 150/90 in people over 60 years, 140/90 in younger patients.  I have quite a few patients I’m treating for High Blood Pressure and I must say, acupuncture can be really effective in keeping blood pressure low…

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Health & Fitness

Transfats: A complicated and interesting history

  December 16, 2013 A Lifelong Fight Against Trans Fats By MELANIE WARNER In 1957, a fledgling nutrition scientist at the University of Illinois persuaded a hospital to give him samples of arteries from patients who had died of heart attacks. When he analyzed them, he made a startling discovery. Not surprisingly, the diseased arteries…

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Ethics in Medicine

Anti-Bacterial Soap Must Show Efficacy

We have discussed the hazards of these antibacterial soaps.  They lead to antibiotic resistance and even allergies in some people.  The report also mentioned hormonal imbalances, which I will have to look into.  

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Ethics in Medicine

Sanity on Statins: Part 4? or is it 5?

  Lots of news about the latest recommendations for patients with high cholesterol vis a vis drug regimens.  At first I thought it was good news, but now, reading the editorial by Rita Redberg, I realize that these recommendations could actually WIDEN the use of statins.  I will leave it to Redberg and Abramson to…

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