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Vagal Nerve Stimulation in Coma Patient

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Sprouts and Sulforaphane

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Autophagy for Life Extension: Rhonda Patrick

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Seed and Soil: With Cancer We Need To Focus on Both

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Intermittent Fasting, Another Recent Biohack in Silicon Valley

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Altered Autonomic Activity in Patients with Premenstrual Syndrome

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Hormesis and Sepsis

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Improvement in Cognitive Function with 3 times per week Electroacupuncture for one month

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Curcumin for Joint Health

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Acupuncture and Weight Loss

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Health & Fitness

Vagal Nerve Stimulation in Coma Patient

My faithful patient, M, forwarded me this fascinating article about using direct vagal stimulation in a long term coma patient.  As blog readers know, I’m always experimenting with ways to improve vagal tone with various acupuncture methods, ear stimulation, and other modalities.  In this article they found that direct vagal stimulation improved brain connectivity. “researchers…

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Health & Fitness

Sprouts and Sulforaphane

Broccoli sprouts are a cheap source of sulforaphane a great anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer compound.  I’ve been sprouting them at home.  There are lots of resources online to learn how. Mine certainly don’t look like the photo in the article!! Broccoli sprouts Are very good for you because of the sulforaphane content. Sulforaphane forms when the vegetable is…

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Health & Fitness

Autophagy for Life Extension: Rhonda Patrick

Rhonda Patrick’s blog is focused on longevity research.  She is a biochemist by training, but now devotes her time to making the arcane world of biochemisty research on aging accessible to the lay public. (In a recent podcast she discussed how she came to the decision to turn down a tenure track professorship at a…

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Health & Fitness

Seed and Soil: With Cancer We Need To Focus on Both

This important article in the New Yorker reinforces my approach to prevention and health.  Siddhartha Mukherjee makes the point that cancer and its treatment should not just be focused on the cancer itself, but the body where it is housed.  He draws the analogy of the recent mussel invasion of Lake Michigan. This type of…

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Health & Fitness

Intermittent Fasting, Another Recent Biohack in Silicon Valley

I remember listening to a podcast on the Tim Ferriss show with the CEO featured in this article, Phil Libin.  He’s the founder of Evernote, another app that I can’t seem to master…  

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Health & Fitness

Altered Autonomic Activity in Patients with Premenstrual Syndrome

This condition responds very well to acupuncture.  It can take up to 3 cycles to see effect, but once treated the effects are long lasting. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2004 Jul;29(6):733-40. Heart rate variability in premenstrual dysphoric disorder. Landén M1, Wennerblom B, Tygesen H, Modigh K, Sörvik K, Ysander C, Ekman A, Nissbrandt H, Olsson M, Eriksson E….

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Health & Fitness

Hormesis and Sepsis

I link to this article not because it even mentions acupuncture, but because hormesis is mentioned more and more.  Hormesis is the phenomenon of a slight stressor conferring some protection to the organism.  A classic example is exercise.  In exercise you stress yourself to a point, but not to the point of actual damage.  In…

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Improvement in Cognitive Function with 3 times per week Electroacupuncture for one month

This study shows an improvement in brain activity with 3 times a week, low frequency electroacupuncture at Ki6 and Bl 62. (Acupuncturists will recognize both of those points as opening points for “Special” meridians.) The P300 is an actual measure of brain activity which correlates with cognitive activity, not a questionnaire or memory cognitive test….

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Health & Fitness

Curcumin for Joint Health

From the Rhonda Patrick podcast she makes the case for curcumin, expecially a formulation with phosphatidylcholine for better absorption.  If anyone would like me to get them some of this formulation, I have it in the clinic. “As an alternative to the use of NSAIDs, however, I’ve found curcumin is actually very helpful. Curcumin is…

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Health & Fitness

Acupuncture and Weight Loss

(I link to this with caveats.  As I’ve said many times over the years, if acupuncture was the answer for weight loss, I’d be a billionaire.  But, nonetheless, to be thorough, I’m linking to this study since it’s in the news.) The School of Chinese Medicine (SCM) of Hong Kong Baptist University recently completed a…

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