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Time Restricted Eating and the Benefits

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Facial Acupuncture: Celebrity Norma Kamali

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Shape Magazine: Why You Should Try Acupuncture Even if You Don’t Need Pain Relief

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Migraine Pathophysiology: Video from Association of Migraine Disorders

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Vitamin D and Heart Rate Variability

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Endorsement of Acupuncture: SF Chronicle

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Inflammation in Mid Life Leads to higher levels of Cognitive Decline

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Electroacupuncture Helps Alcohol Withdrawal in Mice

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Saunas and Hypertension

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Inflammation as Common Root of Heart Disease and Cancer

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Health & Fitness

Time Restricted Eating and the Benefits

In my newsletter from over a year ago now, I explained the value of time restricted eating.  This article from the New York Times outlines the thinking and benefits.  Satchin Panda has popularized this approach and I became aware of him through Rhonda Patrick.  Click on the graphic for the story.  This excerpt is particularly…

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Health & Fitness

Facial Acupuncture: Celebrity Norma Kamali

Hat tip to patient A. (thanks!) who alerted me to the instagram feed of Norma Kamali who has a post up about facial rejuvenation acupuncture.  Nice! View this post on Instagram #acupuncture face lift #health and beauty #FacingEast book co-written with DrYang about acupuncture and Chinese medicine worth reading as a handbook for good practices….

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Health & Fitness

Shape Magazine: Why You Should Try Acupuncture Even if You Don’t Need Pain Relief

Lovely article from Shape Magazine about acupuncture that actually gets to the nitty gritty of mechanisms. (Link broken) But I loved this part best “Acupuncture also has a dramatic effect on your nervous sys­tem, calming you down so your body can rejuvenate faster, Dr. Audette says. When a needle is inserted, it stimulates small nerves…

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Health & Fitness

Migraine Pathophysiology: Video from Association of Migraine Disorders

A bit long, but informative video on the nitty gritty of migraine cause.

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Health & Fitness

Vitamin D and Heart Rate Variability

I was unaware of this connection, that Vitamin D deficiency can lead to lower vagal control, or higher heart rate variability, higher stress levels.  Easy enough to add Vitamin D to the regimen of patients being seen for high blood pressure and other stress related illnesses.  Nice!  We’ve looked at Vitamin D and its importance…

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Ethics in Medicine

Endorsement of Acupuncture: SF Chronicle

“The American College of Physicians has gone so far as to recommend acupuncture as a first treatment for low back pain, and the Joint Commission’s “Pain Management Standards” now includes acupuncture as a non-pharmacological strategy for managing pain.”… “..Or maybe all those needles stimulate the body to heal itself or suppress pain. Or maybe getting…

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Health & Fitness

Inflammation in Mid Life Leads to higher levels of Cognitive Decline

  “It’s important early in life that we prevent diseases like diabetes, heart disease or hypertension that cause systemic inflammation,” said the lead author, Keenan A. Walker, a postdoctoral fellow at Johns Hopkins. “This study shows a temporal relationship between early inflammation and later brain volume loss.” (right click on image below for full article)

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Health & Fitness

Electroacupuncture Helps Alcohol Withdrawal in Mice

This article contains a few things I did not know.  The most basic one is that EtOh withdrawal leads to hypersensitivity to pain.  This suggests all sorts of different strategies to alleviate alcohol withdrawal symptoms.  In this study, they induced alcohol dependence and compared pain tolerance in Etoh withdrawal mice to Etoh naive mice and…

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Health & Fitness

Saunas and Hypertension

Finnish showing lower rates of hypertension in people taking 2 to 5 saunas per week.  More benefits!

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Ethics in Medicine

Inflammation as Common Root of Heart Disease and Cancer

This author also wrote the article in the New Yorker cited here.   So insightful!  It makes me realize that I’ve been glib in touting acupuncture to decrease inflammation.  There are (obvious to me now) many types of inflammation.  In my defense, the overall health benefits of lowering stress levels and increasing vagal activity are more…

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