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End of Alzheimer’s: Bredesen and Rhonda Patrick Part 3

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Bredesen on Brain Health with Rhonda Patrick part 2

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The Vagus Nerve Can Predict and Possibly Modulate Non-Communicable Chronic Diseases: Introducing a Neuroimmunological Paradigm to Public Health

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Ending Alzheimer’s: Dr. Bredesen and Rhonda Patrick Podcast

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Energy Pathways: Science behind Meridian and Acupuncture theory

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Immunity and Schizophrenia

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New Alcohol Study and Safety

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Tom Cruise and the Aging Conundrum

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Stress Response as Sign of Aging

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Short-term fasting induces profound neuronal autophagy.

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Health & Fitness

End of Alzheimer’s: Bredesen and Rhonda Patrick Part 3

Third part of this podcast on Alzheimer’s and possible solutions.   His book can be found here. The podcast goes on to discuss more advantages of a ketogenic diet.  It is “glucose sparing” which means that some important enzymatic reactions requiring glucose can take place. An important aspect of amyloid plaques is that they are considered…

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Health & Fitness

Bredesen on Brain Health with Rhonda Patrick part 2

This is part 2 of 3 covering this podcast.  His book can be found here. Dr. Bredesen discusses some of the biological markers they take into consideration when evaluating someone’s risk for cognitive decline. They look at CRP  C reactive protein, an inflammatory marker Homocysteine which correlates with the volume of the hippocampus an important…

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Health & Fitness

The Vagus Nerve Can Predict and Possibly Modulate Non-Communicable Chronic Diseases: Introducing a Neuroimmunological Paradigm to Public Health

This is a paper calling for monitoring of HRV and using neurostimulation for prevention of “non-communicable diseases”  ie cancer, heart disease, and other chronic non-infectious conditions.  It’s a combined effort of French, Belgian, and US researchers. I’m still picking my way through, but wanted to make this available to readers.  It comes at a good…

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Health & Fitness

Ending Alzheimer’s: Dr. Bredesen and Rhonda Patrick Podcast

I’ve listened to this podcast once and am making my way through it again.  I take a lot of what’s presented with a grain of salt.  Dr. Bredesen has a book to sell, an algorithm to pump, and speaking engagements to nurture. On the other hand, I realize that Alzheimer’s is a focus of intense…

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Health & Fitness

Energy Pathways: Science behind Meridian and Acupuncture theory

I kind of thought I knew everything there was to know about the latest research on acupuncture.  But this article has findings and interpretations I’d never heard of.  Not sure if I buy all of it, but super thought provoking nonetheless. “We know acupuncture increases the body’s release of natural pain killers – endorphins and…

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Immunity and Schizophrenia

Another great piece by Moises Velasquez-Manoff.  We looked at his work here and here   a mong others. “Dr. Tsuyoshi Miyaoka, a psychiatrist treating him at the Shimane University School of Medicine in Japan, eventually diagnosed paranoid schizophrenia. He then prescribed a series of antipsychotic drugs. None helped. The man’s symptoms were, in medical parlance, “treatment…

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Health & Fitness

New Alcohol Study and Safety

Though the “take home” message was that risk is least at zero drinks/day.  But it is more nuanced than that.  So, of course, no drinking may be the safest, but a few drinks a day does not increase health risks in a huge way.  Of course drinking and driving is a totally different story. From…

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Tom Cruise and the Aging Conundrum

This New Yorker tackles the phenomenon that is Tom Cruise and his apparent resistance to the aging process.  The author attributes this to Cruise’s physical athleticism and makes oblique references to younger women.  Who knows, though genetics is on Cruise’s side in that he’s retained his hair, which unfortunately still remains a sign of youth…

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Stress Response as Sign of Aging

I’m rereading this blog post by “friend-of-blog” Zach Haigney.  He is reviewing and discussing a Science Direct article from 2013 that seeks to establish biomarkers for cellular stress response and what they can tell us about the aging process.   A key sentence in this article is the following ““A crucial component of the homeodynamic space…

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Health & Fitness

Short-term fasting induces profound neuronal autophagy.

This is an older study done in mice which shows that 24 hours of fasting produces upregulation of autophagy (cellular debris removal) in the brain.  48 hours produces even more.  I’m not sure how many hours of fasting that would translate to for humans.  Interesting!  Though I have a tough time fasting for 16 hours,…

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