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Case Studies

High Blood Pressure, Anxiety, Acupuncture and HRV: Te.Ca edition

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Case Studies

Migraine and Acupuncture and HRV: Jo.Ru edition

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Case Studies

Acupuncture and Migraine: Yelp review E.Ma edition

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Case Studies

Upside to a rejected manuscript

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Case Studies

Neuropathy and Acupuncture (Do.Al): Case Study with HRV cont’d

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Case Studies

Adaptive Homeostasis: Beyond Hormesis: Acupuncture as Illustration

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Case Studies

Clinical Case Study: Acupuncture for GI problems, Stress Levels and HRV (Ma.Bo)

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Case Studies

Acupuncture and Autoimmune (Ch.Va): HRV

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Case Studies

Acupuncture, Allergy and Stress Data Clinical Case Study Da.Ba.

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Case Studies

Acupuncture for PMS,and Stress Data Clinical Case Study Ja.Le.

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Case Studies

High Blood Pressure, Anxiety, Acupuncture and HRV: Te.Ca edition

  This has been a satisfying case.  Blood pressure and anxiety are well under control and her HRV data is interesting also. I’ve been treating her for a few months and we are exploring use of the customized ear stim device that I’ve been prototyping for home use to help decrease stress levels.  In this…

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Case Studies

Migraine and Acupuncture and HRV: Jo.Ru edition

  I’ve been treating a young, male patient with intractable migraines.  He has had them for years, and stopped taking medications years ago because though they might work in the short run, they weren’t fixing the problem.  He does his best to avoid triggers, but they are a constant in his life. This patient is…

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Case Studies

Acupuncture and Migraine: Yelp review E.Ma edition

  I just got another nice Yelp review from a patient I’ve been treating successfully for migraine.  Of course, after linking to her lovely (5star) review, I will show her most pertinent data! (By the way the E.Ma in the title is a code I put in so I know who the blog post is…

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Case Studies

Upside to a rejected manuscript

  My mansuscript was rejected for the Journal of Medical Acupuncture.  Not sure what message to take from it.  The reasons they gave led me to believe that they didn’t really read the paper.  Oh well.  I’m linking to it here for me to self publish it just to put it to rest.  The upside…

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Case Studies

Neuropathy and Acupuncture (Do.Al): Case Study with HRV cont’d

  Warning: This post is really for the truly devoted to data.  Ugly as heck, but beautiful in its own chaotic way. We have seen this patient’s data before, but I wanted to revisit it with fresh data and a slightly different focus. This patient is in her 60’s and had debilitating peripheral neuropathy which…

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Case Studies

Adaptive Homeostasis: Beyond Hormesis: Acupuncture as Illustration

I maintain that acupuncture is a form of hormesis.  After listening to the latest Ferriss podcast about raptomycin and metformin for life extension, I just shake my head.  Risk/benefit not defined if you’re going to use them for life extension.  Acupuncture is self regulating, urging the body to heal itself.  The most elegant of remedies. …

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Case Studies

Clinical Case Study: Acupuncture for GI problems, Stress Levels and HRV (Ma.Bo)

Case Study:  young patient with GI problems since a stint in the third world.  I’ve been treating her for vagal enhancement and TCM for Spleen and Stomach. 10/20/2016 13LV 20St 3Liv 15TR 4LI 6PC 6Sp 36St prone 2iV 20V 23V 18V She has some reduction in GI symptoms, but still suffers from fatigue. I have…

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Case Studies

Acupuncture and Autoimmune (Ch.Va): HRV

  This “case of the day” highlights a few aspects of stress monitoring as a guide in Acupuncture. Review: HRV is a measure of autonomic balance /stress levels) Each group of columns represents one clinic visit, each column 3 minutes of data. I look at each visit for response and also over time (weeks to…

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Case Studies

Acupuncture, Allergy and Stress Data Clinical Case Study Da.Ba.

  The “Case of the Day”  is a patient I’ve been treating for years to keep his allergies away.  It has worked well and he continues to come in monthly for a “booster.”  I use a protocol that I found which shows that this protocol (electroacupuncture at LI 11 and LI4 100Hz) improved salivary Iga and…

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Case Studies

Acupuncture for PMS,and Stress Data Clinical Case Study Ja.Le.

  This is the story and data from a patient who has severe PMS and comes in before her cycle every month to relieve the irritability, and recently the painful breasts.  She also has some mild hypertension.  In TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) PMS is a liver stagnation issue, as is hypertension.  She is an avid…

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