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Does Running Really Harm Your Knees?

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Icing of little use for sore muscles

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Life Extension Episode Matt Kaeberlein on Tim Ferriss Podcast

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Life Extension Episode Matt Kaeberlein on Tim Ferriss Podcast

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Walking for Knee pain

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Walking for Knee pain

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Celebrity Acupuncture: Meghan Markle and Acupuncture for Depression and Migraine

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Heat Shock Proteins and Neurodegenerative Diseases

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Could Heat Therapy Be an Effective Treatment for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases?

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Heat-Shock Proteins in Neuroinflammation

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Longevity Science Chapter Highlights Flip book

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Offspring of Centenarians-people who live to 100- are less likely to be frail due to genetic footprint

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Health & Fitness

Does Running Really Harm Your Knees?

“Does Running Really Wreck Your Knees?” Contrary to popular opinion, distance running rarely causes knee problems in runners, and often leaves joints sturdier and less damaged. Study after study indicates running rarely causes or exacerbates arthritis in most runners’ knees, even older runners, who are at relatively high risk for arthritis. Can running build stronger…

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Health & Fitness

Icing of little use for sore muscles

It’s about time!  This discussion has been going on for decades.  Finally someone has done some animal studies. Ice for Sore Muscles? Think Again. Icing muscles after strenuous exercise is not just ineffective, it could be counterproductive, a new study in mice suggests.

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Life Extension Episode Matt Kaeberlein on Tim Ferriss Podcast

I’m interested (aren’t we all?)  in the latest life extension “science” . Science is in quotes because so much of it is still unproven and we are not sure of the real safety.  He gives an anecdote about taking rapamycin to cure his frozen shoulder and it worked.  This is obviously anecdotal, and so I’m…

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Health & Fitness

Walking for Knee pain

A New Study Points to a Surprisingly Simple Way to Ward Off Knee Pain “Encouraging new research suggests walking could help prevent new bouts of knee pain in people with osteoarthritis.  A promising new study suggests that walking could ward off knee pain for people with osteoarthritis. Researchers surveyed over 1,000 people ages 50 or older with…

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Health & Fitness

Celebrity Acupuncture: Meghan Markle and Acupuncture for Depression and Migraine

She became a “believer” in acupuncture after it cured her migraines.  That is a reason that I love to treat migraines.  It is a very clear cut result, and it convinces patients that it works. s a native Californian, it’s no surprise Meghan Markle turns to wellness practices to support her mental health. One treatment…

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Health & Fitness

Heat Shock Proteins and Neurodegenerative Diseases

More on specific heat shock proteins and their role in protection against neurogenerative diseases. Bohush A, Bieganowski P, Filipek A. Hsp90 and Its Co-Chaperones in Neurodegenerative Diseases. Int J Mol Sci. 2019;20(20):4976. Published 2019 Oct 9. doi:10.3390/ijms20204976 Abstract Proper folding is crucial for proteins to achieve functional activity in the cell. However, it often occurs that…

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Health & Fitness

Could Heat Therapy Be an Effective Treatment for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases?

This article looks at the benefits of sauna.  It is an intervention that is relatively widely available.  Most YMCA’s have them at the cost of a membership.  There are home saunas also. The article states ” Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are chaperones that regulate the aggregation and disaggregation of proteins in intracellular and extracellular spaces,…

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Health & Fitness

Heat-Shock Proteins in Neuroinflammation

Saunas cause proteins to be activated called “heat shock proteins”.  They help with inflammation in general, but are of particular interest in their ability to fight inflammation in the brain. They also are associated with reduced cardiac causes of mortality.  Stay in for 20 to 30 minutes at 178 degrees. Dukay B, Csoboz B, Tóth…

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Longevity Science Chapter Highlights Flip book

This ebook is a summary of the Longevity Chapter in my writing project.  The writing project has taken seemingly forever, but people assure me that is normal for any long form writing. Here are a few highlights from the chapter.  I hope you enjoy it and find it useful!!! See below

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Health & Fitness

Offspring of Centenarians-people who live to 100- are less likely to be frail due to genetic footprint

This finding, that offspring of centenarians are less likely to be frail, makes intuitive sense.  People often refer to their parents “they lived to 90, so I will too” kind of reasoning.  And there certainly seems to be some validity to it.  When smoking was more of a problems than it is now, that was…

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