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Anti-Cytokine Agents: Targeting Interleukin Signaling Pathways for the Treatment of Atherothrombosis

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Targeting Residual Inflammatory Risk: A Shifting Paradigm for Atherosclerotic Disease

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The Sleep and Immunity: Crosstalk in Health and Disease

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5 Tips To Improve Your Microbiome

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Benefits of a Plant Based Diet: The Protein Factor

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Metformin for Anti Aging

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Metformin for Anti Aging

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Testing In California

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Testing In California

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Hospitalizations and ICU visits Bay Area and California as of 5.7.2020

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Hospitalizations and ICU visits Bay Area and California as of 5.7.2020

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Complexity and Aging

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Complexity and Aging

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Ethics in Medicine

First Do No Harm: Harrowing Tale of A’s Player Micah Bowie

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Health & Fitness

Anti-Cytokine Agents: Targeting Interleukin Signaling Pathways for the Treatment of Atherothrombosis

Circ Res. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2020 Feb 1. Published in final edited form as: Circ Res. 2019 Feb; 124(3): 437–450. doi: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.118.313129 PMCID: PMC6386195 NIHMSID: NIHMS1517334 PMID: 30702995 Anti-Cytokine Agents: Targeting Interleukin Signaling Pathways for the Treatment of Atherothrombosis Paul M Ridker, MD, MPH Author information Copyright and License information Disclaimer The publisher’s final…

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Health & Fitness

Targeting Residual Inflammatory Risk: A Shifting Paradigm for Atherosclerotic Disease

Front Cardiovasc Med. 2019; 6: 16. Published online 2019 Feb 28. doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2019.00016 PMCID: PMC6403155 PMID: 30873416 Targeting Residual Inflammatory Risk: A Shifting Paradigm for Atherosclerotic Disease Aaron W. Aday1,* and Paul M. Ridker2 Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Go to: Abstract…

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Health & Fitness

The Sleep and Immunity: Crosstalk in Health and Disease

All of our systems are interrelated.  This article looks in depth at the effect of sleep on the immune system.  Very topical during or surviving from a pandemic!  Sleep can affect how sick you get if infected, whether you get infected, and how well your immunization works for you.  More on the topic of sleep…

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Health & Fitness

5 Tips To Improve Your Microbiome

Some tips for improving all of the bacteria that work for you! Fruits and vegetable, of course.   Resistant starch. ie. legumes and starches that have been refrigerated(?!) High fiber content food. Exercise, of course. Probiotics, Fermented foods – like sauerkraut or kimchi. 5 Things You Can Do to Make Your Microbiome Healthier Look after your…

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Health & Fitness

Benefits of a Plant Based Diet: The Protein Factor

We’ve discussed how much protein we need in our diet.  For those of us who try to be vegetarian/pescetarian/flexitarian, how do we get enough protein?  This article says how. It’d be great if a burger-a-day diet was healthy. Don’t get me wrong—it’s not the worst. You’ve got protein in there and hopefully some veggies on…

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Health & Fitness

Metformin for Anti Aging

There has been buzz about Metformin as a possible tool to deter aging. On principle I’m opposed to these specific, medication related strategies because I think they can be dangerous, or at least have side effects that are unwanted.  The reason I’m posting this, is that it has the details on how it’s supposed to…

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Health & Fitness

Testing In California

Our testing is ramping up fast!  This is one of the main determinants of when we can reopen. We’re 3/4 of the way there.

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Health & Fitness

Hospitalizations and ICU visits Bay Area and California as of 5.7.2020

Bay Area is looking good.  I hope that we can loosen restrictions sooner rather than later!         California as a whole is not as good.  Flat, at least, and not going up.  But not sure how you can justify opening quickly.  

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Health & Fitness

Complexity and Aging

As readers know, I’m focused on Heart Rate Variability in the clinic.  It is a perfect example of the complexity this author is talking about.  Within bounds, more variability in heart rate is healthier and and leads to more resilience. I wonder about this quite a bit, whether people’s habits get more routine with age. …

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Ethics in Medicine

First Do No Harm: Harrowing Tale of A’s Player Micah Bowie

  This is a horribly sad story of medical interventions going awry.  Back pain which continued after retirement in 2008.  Treatments were ineffective, and  in 2016 he ended up getting a spinal cord stimulator.  Unfortunately the battery migrated somehow into his liver, diaphragm and then lung.  He’s had horrible breathing trouble since, and it’s a…

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