HRV Stress Levels in Migraine:Sa.Be edition
This data is from a patient we’ve discussed before. She was a profound responder with almost immediate resolution of her headaches with acupuncture. This is her summarized Sympathetic Activity or Flight/Fight activity during acupuncture minutes 6 to 12. This prolonged decrease in sympathetic activity over time is one of the things I find so compelling…
Read MoreAbstract for NANS meeting. TAVNS and Autonomic Balance in the Acupuncture Clinic: Clinical Case Study
This is my abstract for the upcoming NANS conference in NYC. It was accepted! So to NYC for me in August. Introduction: Improving autonomic balance (increasing parasympathetic activity and decreasing sympathetic activity)leads to better immunity, pain tolerance, mood, longevity and inflammation. Both Transcutaneous Auricular Vagal Nerve Stimulation (TAVNS)[i] and acupuncture[ii] [iii] [iv]have been shown to…
Read MoreAnxiety, HRV, Acupuncture and TAVNS: Stories from the Clinic
This case study illustrates some of the patterns I’ve discovered when looking at HRV with Acupuncture and TaVNS. I realize that some of this is nuanced and, perhaps, not that interesting to the general reader, but I do think it’s important to the overall project. This is a middle age patient with an autoimmune disorder,…
Read MoreAcupuncture, Stress Levels and Chronic Intractable Migraine: Af.Es. editioin
This data is from a relatively new patient who has severe, chronic migraine. He is on multiple medications. He takes daily medications, anti-anxiety medications, and tryptans for attacks. The first priority is to try to stabilize his system with acupuncture and avoiding tryptans whenever possible. He is unable to work, so the disability he is…
Read MoreAcupuncture, Stress Levels (HRV), and Vestibular Migraine: El.Di. edition
This is another story from the clinic with data. This is patient who has dizziness with headache, high blood pressure, and anxiety. All of these conditions seem linked. He carries a diagnosis of Vestibular Migraine, but it’s hard to know if his is an actual migraine type condition or something else. Migraine patients have certain…
Read MoreAcupuncture for Anxiety, Clinical Case with HRV data Ta.Ta. edition 2
We have seen data from this patient before, but she continues to improve clinically and her data reflects that. I am including four different data sets here. Her HRV (heart rate variability) is good overall. She is young, healthy and active. So when you have overall good variability, the nonlinear data can be especially revealing. …
Read MoreTaVNS and HRV: Clinical Studies El.Ma. Edition
One more chapter in the TAVNS story. We have discussed this patient before, here and here. This is a young woman, migraineur, who has had dramatic and almost complete remission of her migraines. She has had one or two “break through” headaches during her menstrual cycles, but for the most part is headache free and…
Read MoreTaVNS and HRV: Case Study Pa.Co. edition
As another chapter in the story of TAVNS (Transcutaneous Auricular Vagal Nerve Stimulation) in the clinic, this patient seems to have the opposite effect from the previous patient. Obviously, there is a lot of “noise” in the system, but he seems to have lower stress levels during treatment when TaVNS is added. I have yet…
Read MoreTaVNS and HRV monitoring: Case Study Ra.Bo. edition
This is an example of how I try use the heart rate variability analysis data to help determine best treatment options. This patient has anxiety and high blood pressure. I wanted to see if the Ear stimulation device (TAVNS) that I use would help lower her stress levels. So if you look below each group…
Read MoreTaVNS and Acupuncture for Anxiety: De.Bo edition
(TaVNS =Transcutaneous Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation) We have discussed this patient’s case before and here. She is still having trouble with congestion, but her stress levels continue to decrease. She is using a custom electrode I made for her at home a few times a week. So this blog post is an update showing her…
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