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Assessment Center Link

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Case Studies

Startle, Autonomics and Stress Levels

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Case Studies

Stress Reduction Stories Good and Bad by the Data

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Case Studies

Cluster Headaches: Acupuncture Case History

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Case Studies

Cluster Headache Acupuncture Strategies

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High Blood Pressure Treatment and What Happens Next

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Case Study: Sinusitis, Acupuncture and Stress

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Case Studies

Autonomic Function, HRV, in Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis

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Acupuncture for Headache and Anxiety

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Case Studies

Acupuncture for Acne: Clinical Case Study with HRV

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Case Studies

Assessment Center Link

This is a website with a compendium of patient assessment forms, manuals and resources.  Most are paid, but there are some free ones too.

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Case Studies

Startle, Autonomics and Stress Levels

  My last post about horses has really gotten me to think about how acupuncture might work.   I’ve been interested in the autonomic response (stress response) and acupuncture for so long I never really thought about it in this particular way as with the horses and startle.   What this study showed is that after being…

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Case Studies

Stress Reduction Stories Good and Bad by the Data

  Though we don’t know the end of this tale yet, it illustrates what the stress monitoring data may be telling us. The questions I’m actively investigating are How does the patient’s nervous system  respond to the subtle stressor of needling? How does the patient’s stress level respond after needling on the table? What happens…

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Case Studies

Cluster Headaches: Acupuncture Case History

  This is the case study of a patient with cluster headaches.  When he came in to see me, he was still suffering from daily chronic headaches, but not the severe cluster type.  He had excellent results with Acupuncture and his headaches diminished in intensity.  He also tried some other treatment modalities at the same…

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Case Studies

Cluster Headache Acupuncture Strategies

  Kinda great that this made it into the British Medical Journal.  This article shows the merit of understanding the physiology behind clinical conditions. BMJ Case Rep. 2015 Sep 10;2015. Acupuncture for episodic cluster headache: a trigeminal approach. Hayhoe S1 1Department of Pain Management, Colchester University Hospital, Colchester, UK. Abstract Following evidence that acupuncture is…

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Case Studies

High Blood Pressure Treatment and What Happens Next

Relieving high blood pressure without drugs can be key in many populations, i.e. elderly people who can’t tolerate medications, men whose sex lives suffer with medications, women who would like to conceive  etc… Case Study: A vital man in his 70’s working as a painting contractor would like to reduce his dependence on high blood pressure…

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Case Studies

Case Study: Sinusitis, Acupuncture and Stress

Stress monitoring can be useful in the acupuncture clinic since decreasing a patient’s stress levels can lead to better mood, immunity, pain levels, sleep and longer life.  The patient’s reaction to acupuncture can be instructive also, as illustrated in the following case. A woman in her 70’s who came in with immune weakness having had antibiotics for…

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Case Studies

Autonomic Function, HRV, in Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis

 This article looks at autonomic balance before and after a series of 12 acupuncture sessions.  (Update: full article text here.)What they say is that the patients with Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis have a higher resting heart rate to start, and blunted cardiovascular response to cold pressor test.  This is fascinating to me since one of the…

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Case Studies

Acupuncture for Headache and Anxiety

  This is another clinical case, looking at the same research questions as this one. This is the case of a young woman age 25, who had a concussion after being thrown from a horse.  She had severe headaches and extreme difficulty focusing on her work.  So that was the first problem.  The second thing…

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Case Studies

Acupuncture for Acne: Clinical Case Study with HRV

  This turned out to be a pretty good illustration of some of the issues I’m exploring with stress monitoring (HRV) as a function of acupuncture treatment. This is a patient late 30’s who has had some upheaval in her personal life, but healthy and fit by most metrics.  Her most pressing problem at the…

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