TAVNS improved brain connectivity on patients of disorders of consciousness
This study is related to this one, except that in this one the are monitoring brain activity. Yifei W, Yi Y, Yu W, Jinling Z, Weihang Z, Shaoyuan LI, Mozheng WU, Jianghong HE, Peijing R. Transcutaneous auricular vague nerve stimulation improved brain connection activity on patients of disorders of consciousness: a pilot study. J Tradit…
Read MorePoster Presentation INS Barcelona: HRV as biomarker for successful TAVNS treatment during acupuncture
I realize the poster is hard to read. Feel free to go to the link for a better view. Basically, I was trying to see if TAVNS, transcutaneous vagal nerve stimulation, would alter the HRV of patients while receiving acupuncture. My hypothesis was that it would further improve patients HRV if given during an acupuncture…
Read MoreTAVNS for Disorders of Conciousness (Vegetative State)
Having just attended a Neuromodulation Conference where my interest was in TAVNS, (Transcutaneous Vagal Nerve Stimulation), this study in patients in a vegetative state receiving daily TAVNS is pertinent. In this study the patients HRV improved over time. Any noninvasive therapy that can help these patients would be welcome. It was not life-changing in this…
Read MorePredictors of autonomic neuropathy in rheumatoid arthritis.
Auton Neurosci. 2016 Dec;201:54-59. doi: 10.1016/j.autneu.2016.07.008. Epub 2016 Jul 29. Predictors of autonomic neuropathy in rheumatoid arthritis. Syngle V1, Syngle A2, Garg N3, Krishan P3, Verma I3. Author informationαα 1 Cardio Rheuma and Healing Touch City Clinic, Chandigarh, India. 2 Cardio Rheuma and Healing Touch City Clinic, Chandigarh, India; Fortis Multispecialty Hospital, Mohali, Punjab, India….
Read MoreNanoporous Acupuncture needle for enhanced results
I mentioned this needle before. I am keenly interested in it, because of my hunch that there is something about the actual needling, the micro injury, that is key to acupuncture effect beyond just stimulating underlying nerves. They set a cascade of transmitters into motion. This is one reason that I don’t use Seirin needles…
Read MoreAutism and Inflammatory Markers: IL-37 is increased in brains of children with autism spectrum disorder and inhibits human microglia stimulated by neurotensin
Autism Spectrum Disorder has some origins in inflammation, as does almost every disease and condition that ails us. I’ve discussed autism over the years. I will be goint to a Neuromodulation conference next week and hope there might be some presentations on this. Tsilioni I, Patel AB, Pantazopoulos H, et al. IL-37 is increased in…
Read MoreAcupuncture and Long Covid
In this interview with Kevin Tracey, a neurobiologist interested in using surgically implanted electrodes to stimulate the vagus nerve, he and his interviewer postulate that Long Covid has autonomic dysfunction as part of the problem. Vagal dysfunction could be from direct infection of the vagus nerve, but it could also be a side effect of…
Read MoreDeep Resilience: Pain and Acupuncture
Pain Chapter 3.25.2022 for sharing “The easiest pain to bear is someone else’s.” Francois de la Rochefoucauld. We might be inclined to think that pain is unlike any of the other conditions discussed in Deep Resilience and not subject to the laws of Dr. One. Pain is real! Pain is urgent and serious! But even…
Read MoreDeep Resilience: Inflammation
This Inflammation 4.15.2022 for sharing really gave me problems. How to explain how acupuncture and other non-invasive interventions can affect something as serious and all pervasive as Inflammation? Inflammation is linked to all the big killers, cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and many other conditions. I try to show the links, but I couldn’t do it…
Read MoreINS Barcelona 2022 HRV as Biomarker for Effective Clinical TAVNS
This is the abstract for my contribution to the International Neuromodulation Society World Congress in Barcelona May 21 to May 26th 2022. The post with a link to the actual poster is here. HEART RATE VARIABILITY AS BIOMARKER FOR EFFECTIVE CLINICAL TRANSCUTANEOUS AURICULAR VAGAL NERVE STIMULATION: DIFFERENTIATING VAGAL VERSUS SYMPATHETIC ACTIVITY This case…
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