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Ethics in Medicine

Medical Device Makers Spend Millions to loosen Regulations

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Rita Redberg and Risks of Statins. Time to Curb Your Enthusiasm

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The Case For Saunas! Role of Heat shock proteins in cardiac and neuroprotection

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Wine: Healthy for you or not?

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Science behind Acupuncture: Andrew Huberman Podcast with Rick Rubin

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Ethics in Medicine

Science behind Acupuncture: Andrew Huberman Podcast with Rick Rubin

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Mediterranean Diet: No Nonsense and Healthy

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Mediterranean Diet: No Nonsense and Healthy

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Longevity Science: Potential Drugs

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Longevity Science: Potential Drugs

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A BMJ Author’s Journey to Recovery from Long Covid

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The extended autonomic system, dyshomeostasis, and COVID-19

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Ethics in Medicine

Statins controversies, diabetes risk

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Ethics in Medicine

Medical Device Makers Spend Millions to loosen Regulations

This is an older article and back up for some of the writing I’m doing.  It’s a good summary of the pressures to take these devices to market.

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Health & Fitness

Rita Redberg and Risks of Statins. Time to Curb Your Enthusiasm

I admire Dr. Redberg very much.  She speaks truth to the “powers that be” pushing medications and imaging technologies and scantily researched medical interventions.  (If you click on the photo it will take you to a great discussion on a podcast by ZDoggMD entitled “When Less is More in Health Care”). I’ve linked to her…

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Health & Fitness

The Case For Saunas! Role of Heat shock proteins in cardiac and neuroprotection

As a sort of periodic public service announcement I like to plug saunas.  We all know exercise is good for us, but part of the reason why is that we produce heat shock proteins when we exercise.  Not all of us can exercise as much or as intensely as we would aspire to, so as…

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Health & Fitness

Wine: Healthy for you or not?

Keeping in mind that there is no minimal recommended daily dose of alcohol, where the safest risk/benefit calculation is to not drink at all, people do like to drink! So with that in mind… I bring this up because in my writing project I mention this theoretical health advantage of fruits and vegetables as well…

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Ethics in Medicine

Science behind Acupuncture: Andrew Huberman Podcast with Rick Rubin

Please click on my photo for a short video explaining the importance of the subject of this blog post. thanks!! The reason that I’m writing  a book about the science behind acupuncture, the validity of acupuncture  is that it doesn’t seem that people really understand how much science there really is.  But, not only that,…

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Health & Fitness

Mediterranean Diet: No Nonsense and Healthy

This article lays out the basics of the Mediterranean Diet.  I like it because it’s a middle ground diet with lots of healthy elements and avoids foods that we don’t need. Easy to follow, sustainable, and realistic. The diet prioritizes whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, herbs, spices and olive oil. Fish rich in omega-3…

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Health & Fitness

Longevity Science: Potential Drugs

This article from Wired magazine takes a look at the recent research on drugs aimed at aging.  I’m not advocating any sort of drug against aging yet, since we actually have some good preventatives already!  Acupuncture for one, saunas for another and, of course, exercise.  Also, remember to take L-Serine for brain health, and Astra…

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Health & Fitness

A BMJ Author’s Journey to Recovery from Long Covid

This author, a professor of tropical medicine,  researcher discusses his experience with long covid, and how he used unorthodox physical therapy approaches to overcome his symptoms.   Paul Garner: on his recovery from long covid This opened the door that led to my recovery. I learnt that our primitive and unconscious defence mechanisms against injury…

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Health & Fitness

The extended autonomic system, dyshomeostasis, and COVID-19

This article is hypothesizing that a preexisting dsynautonomia exists in many of the groups more susceptible to severe covid. I’m interested in almost all things related to the autonomic nervous system, and there has been some suggestion that long-covid has autonomic features as part of the problem. “The purpose of this essay is to convey…

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Ethics in Medicine

Statins controversies, diabetes risk

Statins are widely prescribed to lower cholesterol in order to prevent blockage of coronary arteries.  They do carry some risks though!  Click through to read the discussion. from the NYtimes  Statins, which help lower levels of LDL (or “bad” cholesterol) in the blood, can cause side effects such as headache, muscle pain, brain fog and…

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