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Depression and Dementia Link

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Dietician Fired from Panel on GMO’s for Pointing out Monsanto Conflict of Interest

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Chronic Pain and the Role of Brain Activity

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Big Data: Medical Version

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Kim Kardashian Gets Facial Acupuncture

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Huffington Post: Acupuncture as Part of Standard Cancer Care

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Ethics in Medicine

Hear, hear! Looking for Environmental Causes of Breast Cancer

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Thiamine for Fatigue in Ulcerative Colitis

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Juveline Arthritis: Leaky Gut? Case Study

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Adderall Can Kill: First Do No Harm

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Health & Fitness

Depression and Dementia Link

This article discusses the link between depression and the onset of dementia and alzheimer’s disease.  Sapolsky’s work shows that stress can lead to a deterioration in the hippocampus which then leads to more stress so you get an acceleration of aging.  So given that mood deteriorates with stress and conversely, mood improves with stress reduction…

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Health & Fitness

Dietician Fired from Panel on GMO’s for Pointing out Monsanto Conflict of Interest

Could it be any more obvious?  Of course, NYTimes has to play it right down the middle, even though Monsanto has everything to gain, and what does this dietician have to gain?  Follow the Money.  Again, if GMO’s are so safe, label them. Food Politics Creates Rift in Panel on Labeling By STEPHANIE STROM The…

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Health & Fitness

Chronic Pain and the Role of Brain Activity

This article has pertinent discussion of the issues behind chronic pain.  When a person has chronic pain, they end up with “central sensitization.”  What this means is that even if the initial pain problem is gone, the brain keeps signalling that there is a problem.  This brain initiated signal can lead to ongoing and pernicious…

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Health & Fitness

Big Data: Medical Version

This could be a very worthwhile project.  As it is now, only cancer patients who are enrolled in trials are tabulated. This project intends to enroll all cases eventually.  This could add immeasurably to determining efficacy of different therapies and protocols.   The ability to query vast swaths of data is transforming government and industry,…

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Health & Fitness

Kim Kardashian Gets Facial Acupuncture

Submitted without comment.  

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Health & Fitness

Huffington Post: Acupuncture as Part of Standard Cancer Care

This article is meant to start the discussion of acupuncture as a part of cancer care.  Their results are quite confusing however.  From the article electroacupuncture clearly helps nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy in breast cancer patients.  It also suggests it can be helpful for other side effects, but isn’t specific.  It’s a start. Time…

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Ethics in Medicine

Hear, hear! Looking for Environmental Causes of Breast Cancer

Long overdue but so pleased to see this important step. We’ve discussed breast cancer and possible causes here, here, and here. (I don’t like the title of this editorial, since breast cancer “prevention” has become synonymous with mammograms.) Emphasizing breast cancer prevention Monday, February 11, 2013 Until now, federal research on breast cancer has been…

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Health & Fitness

Thiamine for Fatigue in Ulcerative Colitis

I came across this study while researching something else and thought it was fascinating. They theorize that thiamine deficiency is the cause of the fatigue from inflammatory bowel disease and after 20 days of oral thiamine supplements, 10 out of 12 patients’ fatigue was gone.  Amazing! J Altern Complement Med. 2013 Feb 4. Thiamine and…

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Ethics in Medicine

Juveline Arthritis: Leaky Gut? Case Study

Fascinating case study of a young boy diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, treated with conventional medicine and also complementary treatment of supplements and dietary restriction.  Warning, this is a long article.  They discuss gut flora as we have done here as a possible causative factor with antibiotics perhaps playing a role. When I read about these…

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Ethics in Medicine

Adderall Can Kill: First Do No Harm

Offered with no comment.

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