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Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation of Trigeminal Nerve for PTSD

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Transcutaneous Nerve Stimulation for Depression

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Neuromodulation Tremor Device

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Ethics in Medicine

Self Rated Health Scores and Heart Rate Variability

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Indwelling Electrical Stimulation at St36 in Mice

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Braverman Test and Chinese Medicine

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Design Thinking for Better Health

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Osteoarthritis Basics UCSF

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Science of Sleep: Infographic

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Over the Counter Medications Linked to Dementia

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Health & Fitness

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation of Trigeminal Nerve for PTSD

Another article from the International Neuromodulation Society website.

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Health & Fitness

Transcutaneous Nerve Stimulation for Depression

This is a study that looks at using a device similar to the one I’ve been experimenting with in the clinic used for clinical depression. In this study, they show a decrease in depression and also fMRI changes in comparison to the sham treatment. Remember that there was a nice study from Japan that used…

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Health & Fitness

Neuromodulation Tremor Device

What a very, very strange coincidence.  After dropping off my rent check yesterday (gratitude abounds for my own private, lovely office) on the fourth floor, and I was looking around and low and behold, the “International Neuromodulation Society.”  I’ve been interested in this field for awhile, since clearly, acupuncture is a sort of neuromodulation.  Has…

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Ethics in Medicine

Self Rated Health Scores and Heart Rate Variability

ne”] In researching background material for my upcoming presentation at the AAMA (American Academy of Medical Acupuncture) conference in Anaheim, I came across this study.  It has so many interesting aspects to it, but I will confine myself to this excerpt. “Consistent with our hypothesis HRV is a more inclusive and integrative index than other…

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Health & Fitness

Indwelling Electrical Stimulation at St36 in Mice

  This study is by the same group that looked at rectal distension and HRV in dogs.  In this study in rats, the stim at St 36 increased sympathetic, not parasympathetic activity.  So I have an email in to the author to try to get a copy.  Usually a fruitless exercise, but we’ll see. This…

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Health & Fitness

Braverman Test and Chinese Medicine

Here is the long form Braverman Test.  This is a test that I was alerted to by  Zach Haigney.  Charles Poliquin, a world famous trainer, drew the correlation between the braverman test, and Chinese Medicine types on the Tim Ferriss show.  A rundown is here. [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”] [fusion_builder_row] [fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=””…

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Health & Fitness

Design Thinking for Better Health

I like this blog post that looks at ways to reframe problems (a technique used by innovators and entrepreneurs) to get to the core issue rather than the outcome wanted.  I think this approach is very, well, healthy and can lead to more durable results and gives me much food for thought.  Framing problems in…

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Conditions & Treatment

Osteoarthritis Basics UCSF

This talk  from the “Controversies in Women’s Health” covered a lot of material, from surgery to NSAIDS to supplements.  I particularly appreciated the exercises for hip, knee, and especially hands. 15_GROSS_Management_of_Osteoarthritis

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Health & Fitness

Science of Sleep: Infographic

Very simple run down of some sleep basics. http://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/science-of-sleep

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Ethics in Medicine

Over the Counter Medications Linked to Dementia

  Wow.  I did not know this.  Benadryl as also implicated. “For instance, the most commonly used medications in the study were tricyclic antidepressants like doxepin (Sinequan), first-generation antihistamines like chlorpheniramine (Chlor-Trimeton), and antimuscarinics for bladder control like oxybutynin (Ditropan). The study estimated that people taking at least 10 mg/day of doxepin, 4 mg/day of…

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