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3 Key Deterrents to Dementia from David Perlmutter

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Time Restricted Eating: Details and Advantages

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Melatonin and Migraine

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Saunas for Longevity: Patrick Podcast

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Anti-Aging and Rhonda Patrick

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Biochemistry of Anti-Aging: Dr. Steven Clarke UCLA

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Stress Resilience: Key to Anti-Aging

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Steroid Injections for Knee Arthritis: Worse than Placebo

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Time restricted Eating

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Increase Fruits and Vegetables: Smoothie?

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Health & Fitness

3 Key Deterrents to Dementia from David Perlmutter

I discussed neurologist David Perlmutter’s book, “Brain Maker”  in a previous blog post and newsletter. In his blog  he recommends three crucial things to avoid dementia.  Aerobic exercise, good sleep, and controlling your blood sugar.

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Health & Fitness

Time Restricted Eating: Details and Advantages

There is a lot more detail on timing of the time restricted eating.  In sum, the earlier in the day you eat (i.e. try to finish by 5:00 p.m.!) the better.  That, for me, is not practical since I work late and dinner at home after work is important to me.  So Patrick does talk…

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Health & Fitness

Melatonin and Migraine

I recommend Melatonin and Magnesium as safe options for migraine prevention.  This article looks at one possible mechanism for melatonin’s effectiveness in menstrual migraine.  The dosage of melatonin needs to be adjusted since too much (even above 3 mg in many people) can lead to paradoxical wakefulness or morning drowsiness.  As much as 1/2 mg…

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Health & Fitness

Saunas for Longevity: Patrick Podcast

I was convinced by Rhonda Patrick’s research that saunas were beneficial for healthy aging in her Ferriss podcast.  In this podcast, she interviews a Finnish expert on the topic.  I’ve been incorporating saunas into my routine, and though I don’t find them “blissful” as everyone else seems to, I can see why they might have…

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Health & Fitness

Anti-Aging and Rhonda Patrick

Patrick did her post graduate work with Dr. Bruce Ames who was a professor of Biochemisty when I was a Biochemistry undergraduate at Cal Berkeley. He’s still working and researching at the age of 88. Here is a link to her podcast from the Tim Ferriss show.  Go to my most recent newsletter for some…

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Health & Fitness

Biochemistry of Anti-Aging: Dr. Steven Clarke UCLA

This  video is not recent, but I wanted to feature it here since we are delving into the topic of aging.  Steve Clarke was my supervisor when I was a lab tech at UC Berkeley and he’s gone on to do incredible work in the anti-aging field.  Dr. Bruce Ames, who was two floors up…

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Health & Fitness

Stress Resilience: Key to Anti-Aging

From Rhonda Patrick’s latest email she stresses that exercise, or even green tea, things that stress the body in a hormetic way (a relatively minor stress that does not cause overwhelming damage) up regulate anti-oxidants and other repair systems. My hunch about acupuncture is that it provides this same benefit, a small stressor that stimulates…

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Ethics in Medicine

Steroid Injections for Knee Arthritis: Worse than Placebo

Study in JAMA shows that over a two year period, steroid injections lead to more loss of cartilage and no difference in pain level compared to saline injections.steroids for knee arthritis jama

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Health & Fitness

Time restricted Eating

From the Tim Ferris podcast with Rhonda Patrick. She advocates eating all calories in a 10 hour window if possible, loaded more heavily early in the day.  A study showed that in breast cancer patients, this one adjustment to food intake, changing nothing else reduced recurrence by 36%.  (I haven’t seen the actual study, so…

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Health & Fitness

Increase Fruits and Vegetables: Smoothie?

From the Rhonda Patrick podcast, she advocates a smoothie with fruits and vegetables.  Either as a meal substitute or in addition to meals. Smoothie recipe and rationale here. This confers many benefits. It greatly increases the amount of fruits and veggies consumed Increases the micronutrients your body needs so it isn’t “starving”  an important function…

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