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One Habit for Longevity

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Green Tea to Offset Modern Diet

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3 key tricks to brain longevity from Fast Company

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Ethics in Medicine

What if Placebo Isn't a trick?

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Ethics in Medicine

Prevention: Making the Invisible Visible

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Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure

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Gut Bacteria and Brain Conditions

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Bredesen Study on Reversing Alzheimer's Condition

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Tai Chi Improves Mood and Autonomic Balance: HRV Study

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Andrew Weil Breathing Exercise

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Health & Fitness

One Habit for Longevity

From your pal and mine, Martha Stewart.  Getting 30 minute of exercise a day will reduce your risk of early death. Details at the link.

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Green Tea to Offset Modern Diet

Green Tea Offsets Worsening Human Diet

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Health & Fitness

3 key tricks to brain longevity from Fast Company

The three basic tips in this article in Fast Company  Exercise.  The best is aerobic exercise at least 150 minutes/week.  I get exercise, but not that much aerobic.  Hmmmm. Prioritize sleep.  Very important for laying down new memories.  There are more tips in the article. Lower calorie intake, intermittent fasting, or 24 hour water only…

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Ethics in Medicine

What if Placebo Isn't a trick?

Interesting history of placebo and the current research.  Ted Kapchuk, famous for his work on acupuncture, feels that the placebo relies on the practitioner/patient relationship.  I don’t agree with that, but he’s the expert!  He’s uncomfortable with trying to pin down the placebo effect to the genome, or molecular/cellular response.  He seems to only be…

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Ethics in Medicine

Prevention: Making the Invisible Visible

A previous blog post that discussed prevention touched on something I’ve grappled with ever since I was in classes learning acupuncture.  And maybe this isn’t a super deep insight, and I’m sure that others much smarter than me have thought about this more.  The issue with medicine (and one could argue other aspects of modern…

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Health & Fitness

Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure

This article gives 12 suggestions how to naturally lower blood pressure. In a nutshell Power walks  has a link on how to start.  Aim for 30 minutes most days. Breathe deeply.  They recommend the method I discussed here. Potassium rich foods to help excrete sodium.  Bananas, potatoes, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, orange juice, kidney beans, peas,…

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Health & Fitness

Gut Bacteria and Brain Conditions

This article points out that gut bacteria studied in mice have an effect on multiple brain related conditions.  It’s too soon to say if there will be any treatments to come out of this research, but clearly the gut microbiome is closely related to brain conditions. “Now researchers are pinpointing individual strains that seem to…

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Health & Fitness

Bredesen Study on Reversing Alzheimer's Condition

https://www.drperlmutter.com/study/6670/ A not so fun fact that I just learned.  Alzheimer’s is the third leading cause of death in the United States.  Incredible.  We discussed Dr. Bredesen’s work here, here and here. pdf of study hereBredesen-2018-Reversal-of-Cognitive-Decline-100-Patients Reversal of Cognitive Decline: 100 Patients Publication Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease & Parkinsonism Author(s) Dale E Bredesen, Kenneth Sharlin,…

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Health & Fitness

Tai Chi Improves Mood and Autonomic Balance: HRV Study

After 24 weeks of 3 hours of Tai Chi per week, a group of older adults showed improved mood and better autonomic balance as shown by their HRV.  Improved autonomic balance can lead to better mood, but also improved immunity, sleep, pain and inflammation.  Maybe I’d better learn it! Int J Environ Res Public Health….

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Health & Fitness

Andrew Weil Breathing Exercise

This is a simple exercise that Dr. Weil recommends for anxiety and other conditions.  He recommends twice a day, with 4 repetitions each. He says that it is a way to use voluntary activity to influence the autonomic nervous system and it has been very effective in some of his patients.  He says that it…

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