Ioannidis on the Corona Virus Pandemic: Data is only partial

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Ioannidis on the Corona Virus Pandemic: Data is only partial

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Kentucky Versus Tennessee Covid 19: Why Policy Matters

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Kentucky Versus Tennessee Covid 19: Why Policy Matters

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Bay Area Corona Virus Tracker

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Bay Area Corona Virus Tracker

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Why Soap and Water is Best

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Why Soap and Water is Best

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CDC Chart of Respiratory Illness Differentiation.

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CDC Chart of Respiratory Illness Differentiation.

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Intermittent Fasting from Nutrition Facts

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Intermittent Fasting from Nutrition Facts

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Gut Is Second Brain, Second Microbiome

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Intermittent Fasting from the New York Times

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Intermittent Fasting from the New York Times

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Are You Getting Enough Protein?

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Are You Getting Enough Protein?

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TAVNS, or Non-invasive stimulation of vagal afferents reduces gastric frequency.

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Ioannidis on the Corona Virus Pandemic: Data is only partial

I’ve cited Ioannidis’ work previously in the blog (way way back in the day.)  Here and here.  He has one of the most downloaded papers in the history of Plos called “Why Most Published Research Findings Are False.”  As careful readers of this blog know, I, too can be skeptical of some of the conclusions…

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Health & Fitness

Kentucky Versus Tennessee Covid 19: Why Policy Matters

For those who are interested in actual data, there is a real time study showing how the policies recommended by the experts, when put into place, make a difference in outcomes. Granted, I’m no expert and also granted that we don’t really have enough good data to know because of lack of testing, but I…

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Bay Area Corona Virus Tracker

This tracker is similar to the Johns Hopkins Worldwide tracker but for the Bay Area.  Our total cases in San Francisco is now at 70.  Doesn’t sound too bad until you consider it was 51 yesterday.

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Why Soap and Water is Best

If you have access to soap and water, it’s just as good if not better than disinfectants.  It’s all about a basic aspect of organic chemistry which is lipid solubility.  Soap dissolved fats and oils which are a key component of the virus shell. Viruses can be active outside the body for hours, even days….

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CDC Chart of Respiratory Illness Differentiation.

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Intermittent Fasting from Nutrition Facts

I just learned about this website from friend Kathleen (thanks!!).  I will be digging further into the website as time goes on.  Intermittent fasting is something to consider as a long term strategy to keep weight down without having to go on a calorie restriction diet. Fasting Fasting is the practice of abstaining from food…

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Health & Fitness

Gut Is Second Brain, Second Microbiome

The Gut is called the Second Brain, but there may be even more linkages through gut bacteria.  I’ve been interested in vagal activity for longer than I want to admit (it might reveal my age) and it turns out that it’s more and more relevant to general health. We spoke about a possible autism link…

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Intermittent Fasting from the New York Times

We’ve discussed this topic before, here and here and other posts. A very good rundown on the benefits of intermittent fasting or time restricted eating. The general consensus is that 16 hours is the minimum for optimal effects.  The comment thread was fun to read too. Her explanation is clear and accurate.  Basically, you want…

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Health & Fitness

Are You Getting Enough Protein?

I highly recommend that you read this entire article!  This expert on fitness and strength has a few take aways. Keep in mind muscle mass is important for everyone as far as health goes (makes your stronger, better balance, better metabolism, less diabetes etc…) but especially as we age.  Some highlights of the article below,…

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Health & Fitness

TAVNS, or Non-invasive stimulation of vagal afferents reduces gastric frequency.

It is not surprising that transcutaneous auricular vagal nerve stimulation would affect the GI system since it is innervated by the vagus.  But this study makes the connection in an elegant way.  But pointing out that the end organ, the stomach, is affected by TAVNS, you see the actual, real life results of this intervention. …

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