Bay Area Crushing the Curve: San Francisco Chronicle

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Bay Area Crushing the Curve: San Francisco Chronicle

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Covid Cases by State Cases per 100,000

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Covid Cases by State Cases per 100,000

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Curves County by County California

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Curves County by County California

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Corona Virus Cases per Day 4.14.2020

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Corona Virus Cases per Day 4.14.2020

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Sleep. The Best Medicine

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Covid Cases Per Day 4.10.2020

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Covid Cases Per Day 4.10.2020

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KQED Forum Dr. Wachter UCSF Corona Virus Bay Area

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KQED Forum Dr. Wachter UCSF Corona Virus Bay Area

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New Corona Cases California Day by Day 4.8.2020

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New Corona Cases California Day by Day 4.8.2020

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LA Times Tracker

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Bay Area Crushing the Curve: San Francisco Chronicle

One picture worth 1000 words

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Covid Cases by State Cases per 100,000

I finally found a graphic that tells a bit more nuanced story from NPR.  This graphic shows how well California is doing at 77 per 100K considering what a huge state it is. Obviously, we need our case load to stop increasing and start to decrease if we’re ever going to get back to work…

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Curves County by County California

Not at all happy that the total number of cases in San Francisco is now over 1,000.  But glad that we’ve made it into the light blue curve.  We’re doubling now every 12.6 days.  Still increasing but slowing down.

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Corona Virus Cases per Day 4.14.2020

Definitely don’t like that uptick.  It could just be variation, as we saw fewer cases over the weekend.  So there may be reporting discrepancies.  Stay safe…

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It has been said that where there is flexibility there is no arthritis.  Not sure if that really holds up, but it’s the least we can do to mitigate wear and tear on joints. Suggestions for Flexibility Pick the Right Exercise While pilates and yoga concentrate on building strength and flexibility, yoga is generally regarded…

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Sleep. The Best Medicine

Besides laughter of course!   Add the above physical and mental health consequences up, and a scientifically validated link becomes easier to accept: the shorter your sleep, the shorter your life. Recent findings demonstrate that individuals who routinely sleep five hours a night have a 65 percent increased risk of dying at any moment in…

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Covid Cases Per Day 4.10.2020

I like this graphic best to show the flattening of the curve.  Cases in Los Angeles are still increasing by a fair amount, but hopefully offset by the slower rate of increase in other parts of the state. I also check this great graphic from the LA Times showing county by county. It requires some…

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KQED Forum Dr. Wachter UCSF Corona Virus Bay Area

I was able to listen to some of this show, which is now in available on the archive. A few take aways.  Disclaimer!! These are all from memory, so I could be mistaken.  If I have a chance, I’ll listen again and update. We had the same number of cases in San Francisco as did…

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New Corona Cases California Day by Day 4.8.2020

I find this chart from the San Francisco Chronicle to be the most illustrative of the curve. We can see that thought our new cases per day are way higher than we would like, they are not “spiking” which would be the most dangerous for our medical system. The orange cases at the bottom are…

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LA Times Tracker

New tracker from LA times.

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