Immune and genetic aspects of asthma, allergy and parasitic worm infections: evolutionary links

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Immune and genetic aspects of asthma, allergy and parasitic worm infections: evolutionary links

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Acupuncture promotes mTOR-independent autophagic clearance of aggregation-prone proteins in mouse brain

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Systems Medicine 2020 Uri Alon

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Systems Medicine 2020 Uri Alon

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Starvation, Stress Resistance, and Cancer: Valter Longo

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Old Fashioned Health and Housekeeping Practices

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Vaccination Does Prevent Illness as well as Spreading of Covid

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Hygiene Hypothesis>Don’t fear all germs!!!

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Strategies to Decrease Percentage of Body Fat

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Dr. Kariko, Hero of the Covid mRNA vaccine

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Depression can lead to shortened life span

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Immune and genetic aspects of asthma, allergy and parasitic worm infections: evolutionary links

This paper is over 10 years old, but it still has a lot to say.  I have yet to buy the pdf of the full paper. But it is a concise description of the concept of “old friends.”  When a person has  immunity to “old friends” such as Ascaris and Schistomona evolutionarily developed over millenia…

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Acupuncture promotes mTOR-independent autophagic clearance of aggregation-prone proteins in mouse brain

In the chapter of my book project “Deep Resilience” on Longevity-Chapter-for-blog-8.4.2020, the concept of autophagy and mTOR are laid out.  Autophagy (the clearing of cells and their debris) is also important in Neurodegenerative Disease, such as Parkinson’s,  Alzheimer’s and Huntington’s .  This study is not new, having been completed in 2015, and perhaps there are…

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Systems Medicine 2020 Uri Alon

I am stashing this link and series of links here since systems biology is very much a part of acupuncture and its results.  Small input of needling can lead to outsized results a  consequence of the cascades set in motion.  I’m working on the Immunology Chapter of my book “Deep Resilience” and I will need…

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Starvation, Stress Resistance, and Cancer: Valter Longo

Hunger and stress resistance.   Fasting can increase resilience. Trends Endocrinol Metab . 2018 Apr;29(4):271-280. doi: 10.1016/j.tem.2018.01.008. Epub 2018 Feb 17. Starvation, Stress Resistance, and Cancer Roberta Buono  1 , Valter D Longo  2 Affiliations PMID: 29463451 DOI: 10.1016/j.tem.2018.01.008 Abstract Cancer cells are characterized by dysregulation in signal transduction and metabolic pathways leading to increased glucose uptake,…

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Old Fashioned Health and Housekeeping Practices

I’m linking to this blog  instead of the article itself because it’s behind a paywall.  In addition to the strategies below, let’s not forget the wearing of gloves, simple or fancy that was routine in previous generations.  It would be extremely simple to start that again as a minimum.  When I lived in Spain 20 years…

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Vaccination Does Prevent Illness as well as Spreading of Covid

Another great article from National Geographic about the vaccines and how they help to mitigate disease and its spread. After any infection, “you have white blood cells, specifically T and B cells, that hang around and remember that initial infection so that if you do become infected again, these memory cells respond by immediately multiplying…

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Hygiene Hypothesis>Don’t fear all germs!!!

Dr. Graham Rook, an emeritus professor of medical microbiology at University College London, likens the immune system to a computer. He says that the microbes we encounter in daily life — on other people and in our spaces — are the data that the immune system relies on to program and regulate its operations. While…

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Strategies to Decrease Percentage of Body Fat

Some of these strategies are familiar to my readers, time-restricted eating, HIIT.  But the fasting exercise, though it makes sense, I was not aware of.  Also moving at least every hour.  I usually do desk work for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute “tidying” break. Also, 30 grams of protein per meal! Wow.

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Dr. Kariko, Hero of the Covid mRNA vaccine

An absolutely incredible story of a dogged, persistent scientist in the face of huge obstacles who persevered and was key in the effort to produce the mRNA vaccines by Pfizer and Moderna alike.  I encourage you to read the whole thing. Inspiring!  And it underscores the importance of basic science but also of following hunches…

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Depression can lead to shortened life span

When I read this title I immediately thought, “well sure, you don’t work out as much, don’t engage in healthy activities”.  But in this study they controlled for other illness and lifestyle choices.  So the take away, as they state, is that depression affects the whole body.  Of course in Chinese Medicine there has never…

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