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Ethics in Medicine

Inflammation as Common Root of Heart Disease and Cancer

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Ethics in Medicine

Acupuncture Better than Botox, Meds for Migraines

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Ethics in Medicine

Mediterranean Diet, Not Statins, reduces all cause mortality

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Ethics in Medicine

Statins’ Side Effects: Doctors get a taste of their own medicine

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Knee Arthroscopy Often Unnecessary

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Cracking Down on Unreported Clinical Trials

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Steroid Injections for Knee Arthritis: Worse than Placebo

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Vitamin D and aging

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Acupressure for Cancer Fatigue: Richard Harris

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Ethics in Medicine

New Guidelines for Treatment of Back Pain: Acupuncture Included in Best Care

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Ethics in Medicine

Inflammation as Common Root of Heart Disease and Cancer

This author also wrote the article in the New Yorker cited here.   So insightful!  It makes me realize that I’ve been glib in touting acupuncture to decrease inflammation.  There are (obvious to me now) many types of inflammation.  In my defense, the overall health benefits of lowering stress levels and increasing vagal activity are more…

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Ethics in Medicine

Acupuncture Better than Botox, Meds for Migraines

In this study of 108 migraineurs, Acupuncture produced better results than botox or pharmaceuticals.  Their succinct conclusion “Acupuncture, botulinum toxin-A injection and pharmacological treatment have beneficial effects on chronic migraine; however, acupuncture showed more effectiveness and fewer complications.” Nice! Caspian J Intern Med. 2017 Summer;8(3):196-204. doi: 10.22088/cjim.8.3.196. Acupuncture and botulinum toxin A injection in the…

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Ethics in Medicine

Mediterranean Diet, Not Statins, reduces all cause mortality

  World J Cardiol. 2015 Jul 26; 7(7): 404–409. Published online 2015 Jul 26. doi:  10.4330/wjc.v7.i7.404 PMCID: PMC4513492 Cholesterol confusion and statin controversy Robert DuBroff and Michel de Lorgeril This paper highlights something that I don’t stress enough.  I understand why people want to take a medication for health issues.  It’s easy to do and…

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Ethics in Medicine

Statins’ Side Effects: Doctors get a taste of their own medicine

As some of my patients know, I have reservations about statins.  The side effects are real, and they are over prescribed, in my opinion. This recent study (sorry for the unwieldy abstract) looked at physicians attitudes about statins when they, themselves suffered from the side effects. “ Statin AEs (adverse effects) can have profound impact…

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Ethics in Medicine

Knee Arthroscopy Often Unnecessary

This orthopedic surgery is the world’s most common. But patients rarely benefit, a panel says

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Ethics in Medicine

Cracking Down on Unreported Clinical Trials

from statnews.com This is a crucial step in being able to make informed decisions about different medications, procedures and therapies.  Until now, groups were able to bury their negative results and only publish the positive ones.  This is, of course, because not only because of incentives of industry funded trials to find that their product/device…

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Ethics in Medicine

Steroid Injections for Knee Arthritis: Worse than Placebo

Study in JAMA shows that over a two year period, steroid injections lead to more loss of cartilage and no difference in pain level compared to saline injections.steroids for knee arthritis jama

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Ethics in Medicine

Vitamin D and aging

Vitamin D is crucial for control of about 5% of the human genome.  Studies have shown that low Vitamin D levels confer increased aging and increased all cause mortality.  Twin studies concur that a twin with lower Vitamin D levels have higher mortality.  It is important for DNA repair and anti-inflammatory substances, both of which…

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Ethics in Medicine

Acupressure for Cancer Fatigue: Richard Harris

The SAR conference finished yesterday and there were some very provocative presentations.  The work that I am most amazed at is the work of Richard Harris from University of Michigan.  But there were other very impressive presentations also. I’ve posted about Richard Harris’ work on Acupressure for cancer fatigue.  He fleshed out and presented the…

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Ethics in Medicine

New Guidelines for Treatment of Back Pain: Acupuncture Included in Best Care

http://www.cbsnews.com/news/new-guidelines-how-to-handle-back-pain/ “For pain lasting more than three months, treatments include stretching and strengthening exercises, tai chi, yoga, acupuncture, and mindfulness techniques like meditation to relieve stress.” By Jonathan LaPook CBS News February 13, 2017, 7:33 PM New guidelines outline how to handle back pain If you have an achy back, you’ve got company. As many…

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