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Knee Pain, PTSD, Stress: Clinical Case Study

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Clinical Case: Post Concussion Headache

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Case Studies

Clinical Case Study: Complexity and Parasympathetic

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Case Studies

Clinic Data: Ear stim and acupuncture in allergy patient

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Case Studies

Microneedling adjunct to Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation

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Case Studies

Case Study: Acupuncture for Mood and Skin

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Case Studies

Clinical Case Allergy: Bad Data?

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Case Studies

Clinical Case: More HRV data

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Case Studies

Good, Bad and Beautiful HRV Data

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Case Studies

HRV Protocol Development: Noninvasive Vagal Stimulation

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Case Studies

Knee Pain, PTSD, Stress: Clinical Case Study

This story is probably not over but illustrates a few different issues I’m tackling.  This patient is well over 60, in a competitive high powered job.  She has had health issues over time, accidents and trauma in particular.  She came in because of knee pain, but it was clear that there were system issues, too….

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Case Studies

Clinical Case: Post Concussion Headache

This data is from a patient I’ve seen for many months.  She had very quick response to acupuncture, but looking at her stress response LF/HF it was harder to see a decisive relaxation response.  I really expected to see something more since she had quick and definitive improvement.  You see some relaxation response during treatment,…

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Case Studies

Clinical Case Study: Complexity and Parasympathetic

I’ve been focusing on getting my presentation ready for the Anaheim AAMA conference coming up.  But, as usual, when diving into any new research in my field, I’ve encountered some new perspectives that have been thought provoking. I’ve been in correspondence with Xavier Bornas who has done interesting work on Flight Phobia and HRV-no acupuncture-…

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Case Studies

Clinic Data: Ear stim and acupuncture in allergy patient

  Lots of posts lately, a frequent side effect of an upcoming presentation.    This data represents parasympathetic or vagal activity only in a patient who comes in a bit sporadically for anxiety and allergies.  She finds the ear stim helpful and has purchased a device to use at home. Notice how there is an overall…

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Case Studies

Microneedling adjunct to Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation

  This is a good summary of the benefits of microneedling.  This article gives instructions to Acupuncture practitioners on how to use it in the clinic.  I prefer to have patients use it themselves.  Acupuncture Facial rejuvenation has benefits that go deeper than collagen stimulation, but the microneedling can be quite helpful cosmetically. ” How…

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Case Studies

Case Study: Acupuncture for Mood and Skin

This data is from a patient who came in for facial acupuncture.  It shows what I like to see.  The blue bars represent High Frequency data, or the parasympathetic activity before, during and after needling.  There seems to be a nice increase during treatment, and also over time. Nice!

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Case Studies

Clinical Case Allergy: Bad Data?

This data belongs to a 30 year old patient who has had severe allergies for years.  After just a month of weekly (more or less) acupuncture she feels much better.  In fact her symptoms started feeling better after just a few visits.  So beautiful story!!  Unfortunately, her data is not so beautiful. Each group of…

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Case Studies

Clinical Case: More HRV data

As another installment of the Good, the Bad and the Beautiful HRV data, this is recent data from a patient who comes in regularly for health and facial rejuvenation.  She is always up for any of my “experiments” and so agreed to the ear stimulation and then, today for the needling of K1. Each group…

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Case Studies

Good, Bad and Beautiful HRV Data

Each group of bars represents a treatment date. Each bar represents 3 minutes of stress data, the smaller the bar, the less the stress.  The dark blue bar is the needling segment, if it is missing, then monitoring was started after needling. Ideally, I like to see the stress decrease during treatment after needling and…

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Case Studies

HRV Protocol Development: Noninvasive Vagal Stimulation

  I have been exploring use of the noninvasive vagal nerve stimulation in the clinic in the form of an ear electrode in the cymba concha region.  There doesn’t seem to be any good reason to use one side versus another.  In invasive vagal stimulation, the left side is used to avoid efferent side effects….

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