Mechanisms of acupuncture-electroacupuncture on persistent pain
This extremely detailed article on acupuncture-electroacupuncture for persisten pain from 2014 lays out all of the various physiological mechanisms involved in Acupuncture’s effect on pain. I perused it for my writing project, Deep Resilience chapter on Pain. It is SO detailed that I really can’t use it for my chapter. But I’m happy to have…
Read MoreNeuromechanism of acupuncture regulating gastrointestinal motility
This article goes into detail on the mechanisms involved in acupuncture’s effect on the GI tract, which is closely related to my interest in vagal activity in conjunction with acupuncture treatment. Yu Z. Neuromechanism of acupuncture regulating gastrointestinal motility. World J Gastroenterol. 2020;26(23):3182-3200. doi:10.3748/wjg.v26.i23.3182 Go to: Abstract Acupuncture has been used in China for thousands of…
Read MoreAcupuncture for Parkinson’s Disease: Efficacy Evaluation and Mechanisms in the Dopaminergic Neural Circuit
This is a fantastic review article on Acupuncture for Parkinson’s. I will summarize it in a subsequent post. It is full of mechanisms and neurotransmitter detail Neural Plast. 2021; 2021: 9926445. Published online 2021 Jun 15. doi: 10.1155/2021/9926445 PMCID: PMC8221898 PMID: 34221005 Acupuncture for Parkinson’s Disease: Efficacy Evaluation and Mechanisms in the Dopaminergic Neural Circuit Yadan…
Read MoreNeuroplasticity of Acupuncture for Stroke: An Evidence-Based Review of MRI
This article is way above my head. The details of MRI studies are foreign to me. But, as with so many other aspects of acupuncture, the science is starting to explain the empirical successes of acupuncture. What always seemed like placebo and wishful thinking actually has firm roots in measurable phenomena. Neuroplasticity of Acupuncture for…
Read MoreAcupuncture for prevention of Cis-Platinum neuropathy: role of GRK2
These studies are getting more and more granular and exciting! In this study, preventative electroacupuncture in mice reduced peripheral neuropathy in animals. This all contributes to the effort to figure out best practices for using more acupuncture for maintenance and prevention. This concept, of course, is a mainstay of ancient practice. Spinal Neuronal GRK2 Contributes…
Read MoreCardiac Response to Auricular Acupuncture
Dynamic_Pulse_Reaction_-_Update_2020 Litscher This reflex auricular cardiac (RAC)reaction is something that Litscher is interested in. From what I gather, it is an immediate reaction to ear needling that can be detected by wearable technologies. He acknowledges work done with Heart Rate Variability, which is my focus. “Litscher et al. [7] published an original article in Integrative…
Read MoreSpecific vagus nerve stimulation parameters alter serum cytokine levels in the absence of inflammation
This is an important article to keep in mind. Just as in this latest article from Harvard, stimulation parameters really matter when trying to activate vagal activity. This study is in animals and directly stimulation the vagus nerve. If you get it wrong, you can get the opposite effect. That is why I think my…
Read MoreTranscutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation and heart rate variability: Analysis of parameters and targets
Use of Trancutaneous Auricular Vagal Nerve Stimulation TAVNS, might be helpful to augment acupuncture for many different conditions since improved parasympathetic activity can mitigate inflammation globally in the body. I’ve been studying this with HRV in conjunction with acupuncture, which also improves parasympathetic activity. Machetanz K, Berelidze L, Guggenberger R, Gharabaghi A. Transcutaneous auricular vagus…
Read MoreHow Acupuncture Targets Inflammation. From Harvard Gazette
Harvard gazette does a great job explaining the importance of this Nature article that I wrote about when it came out. It’s great to have professional science writers do the explaining! A subset of neurons in the hindlimbs have been found to trigger an anti-inflammatory response when acupuncture is applied. Andrey Popov “This study…
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