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Ethics in Medicine

Anti-Anxiety Medications Linked to Alzheimer's

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Inner GPS: Nobel Prize in Medicine

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Autism as Part of the Autoimmune Spectrum in Modern Society

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Ethics in Medicine

Beware the Extremes

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Ethics in Medicine

Are Bacteria Making Us Crave the Wrong Things?

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3D printed cast

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Constitution and Anti-Aging: Concept of Jing

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Saturated Fats: What We Now Know

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Light and Health from The Economist

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Ethics in Medicine

Wall Street Titans Turn to Meditation

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Ethics in Medicine

Anti-Anxiety Medications Linked to Alzheimer's

A study showed that elderly patients who use benzodiazepines and their cohorts (Lunesta and Ambien) are more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease.  There are other hazards to these medications in the elderly in addition, such as making driving more dangerous and increasing the likelihood of falling.  Please consider melatonin, unisom, or benadryl for sleep instead!…

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Health & Fitness

Inner GPS: Nobel Prize in Medicine

  The Nobel prize in medicine went to three researchers who found the locus of the brain’s inner GPS, or what enables spacial orientation.  This research may lead to advances in Alzheimer’s research.  (I’m worried since I find I don’t navigate so well…) STOCKHOLM — A U.S.-British scientist who grew up in the South Bronx and a…

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Health & Fitness

Autism as Part of the Autoimmune Spectrum in Modern Society

  Autism Res Treat. 2012; 2012: 910946. Published online Jun 26, 2012. doi:  10.1155/2012/910946 PMCID: PMC3420574 Is Autism a Member of a Family of Diseases Resulting from Genetic/Cultural Mismatches? Implications for Treatment and Prevention Staci D. Bilbo, 1 John P. Jones, 2 and William Parker 2 ,* 1Systems and Integrative Neuroscience Group, Department of Psychology…

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Ethics in Medicine

Beware the Extremes

First, Do No Harm Great article about medicine’s tendency to take recommendations to the extreme.  Included should be the recommendations about blood pressure.  Too low, especially in the elderly can be dangerous too!

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Ethics in Medicine

Are Bacteria Making Us Crave the Wrong Things?

Interesting article that outlines precedent for a parasite (in this case bacteria) causing us to eat food that benefit THEM instead of US. Creepy, but who knows?   “We’ve come to appreciate how beneficial our microbes are, breaking down our food, fighting off infections and nurturing our immune system. It’s a lovely, invisible garden we…

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Health & Fitness

3D printed cast

3D Printed Cast Having just heard a segment on Science Friday on NPR about 3 D printing, my first thought was wearables for acupuncture.  For example, an ear imprint with a strategically placed tack or magnet.  Or a wearable on the lower leg to stim Spleen 6 as Filchie does for hot flashes. But, as…

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Health & Fitness

Constitution and Anti-Aging: Concept of Jing

The concept of “jing”  was an incredibly compelling one to me when I was first learning acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine.  But it is a difficult one to teach to patients.  I was glad to find this article which lays out the concepts.  Because of the concept of Jing, I’ve been taking Astra Essence for…

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Health & Fitness

Saturated Fats: What We Now Know

I think it’s time to  just eat whatever we want.  

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Health & Fitness

Light and Health from The Economist

  Nice article some of the issues we’ve talked about re:sleeping and health. This article covers the issue of light and health. We have been slow to recognise the positive link between light and health. Over the past 40 years the sun has been the enemy: the medical establishment has warned us off the ultraviolet…

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Ethics in Medicine

Wall Street Titans Turn to Meditation

Bottom line?  Anything for an edge.  Why not acupuncture too?  Calms stress, improves immune response, lessens pain, helps you sleep, keeps you away from medications and surgeries and able to do activities.  I guess I should “makes you more money” to the list…

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