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Alzheimer Amyloid-B peptide may have immune function

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Acupuncture and Insomnia

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Melatonin and Health Benefits Including Cancer Prevention

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Burnout Is Associated with Reduced Parasympathetic Activity and Reduced HPA Axis Responsiveness, Predominantly in Males

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HPA-leptin axis and metabolic health: a systems approach to resilience

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Intermittent fasting, a form of hormesis?

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Higher Vagal Activity Associated with Longer Survival in Metastatic Breast CA patients

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Microneedling adjunct to Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation

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Transcutaneous Electrical Vagal Stim for Migraine

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Ethics in Medicine

Theranos News

http://www.wired.com/2016/05/theranos-inching-towards-legal-bull-issh/?mbid=nl_52016 Update:  And the inevitable happened.  Blood in the water, lawyers swarming.  Yeesh.

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Health & Fitness

Alzheimer Amyloid-B peptide may have immune function

So even Alzheimer’s condition may have an autoimmune component.  It turns out that the Amyloid B protein captures bacteria.  What’s unclear is whether it has actually fought infection, or is an overactive immune system.  There is a full link to the article at the site. Rehabilitation of a β-amyloid bad boy A protein called Aβ…

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Health & Fitness

Acupuncture and Insomnia

A very nice review of the hazards of insomnia and the research behind acupuncture’s effectiveness to treat it.Insomnia and Acupuncture ” the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, five kinds of spirits inhabit the five zang-organs (heart, liver, lung, spleen and kidney). Each kind of spirit has a corresponding physiological function. The five zang-organs are unable…

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Health & Fitness

Melatonin and Health Benefits Including Cancer Prevention

We’ve covered the value of melatonin previously on the blog, but I was not aware of the cancer fighting properties.  This research was done over 10 years ago and I’m dismayed that I wasn’t aware of it! ” The Value of Melatonin in Breast Cancer Prevention and Adjunctive Treatment By James P. Meschino, DC, MS…

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Health & Fitness

Burnout Is Associated with Reduced Parasympathetic Activity and Reduced HPA Axis Responsiveness, Predominantly in Males

In case anyone is wondering why I’m linking to all of these studies that are unrelated to acupuncture, it’s because the direction I’m trying to go in my work is a means to make sense of the different HRV responses in individuals.  There are quite varied responses, but they tend to remain consistent within the…

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Health & Fitness

HPA-leptin axis and metabolic health: a systems approach to resilience

There is intense focus on metabolic syndrome and obesity in the last decade or two.  This study is trying to get at categorizing the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal-leptin responses in obese women vis a vis their fat and lean body mass and their insulin resistance.  This study is another “systems biology” investigation. Interface Focus. 2014 Oct 6; 4(5):…

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Health & Fitness

Intermittent fasting, a form of hormesis?

I think what appeals most to me about the prospect of limiting the times you eat, as suggested in this blog, is that It seems easier than following a restriction diet Eating often makes me logey and tired, so it might just increase productivity. I wonder how coffee and tea fit in?  

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Health & Fitness

Higher Vagal Activity Associated with Longer Survival in Metastatic Breast CA patients

Abstract Psychosom Med. 2015 May;77(4):346-55. Higher vagal activity as related to survival in patients with advanced breast cancer: an analysis of autonomic dysregulation. Giese-Davis J1, Wilhelm FH, Tamagawa R, Palesh O, Neri E, Taylor CB, Kraemer HC, Spiegel D. Author information Abstract OBJECTIVE: High levels of high-frequency heart rate variability (HF-HRV), related to parasympathetic-nervous-system functioning,…

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Case Studies

Microneedling adjunct to Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation

  This is a good summary of the benefits of microneedling.  This article gives instructions to Acupuncture practitioners on how to use it in the clinic.  I prefer to have patients use it themselves.  Acupuncture Facial rejuvenation has benefits that go deeper than collagen stimulation, but the microneedling can be quite helpful cosmetically. ” How…

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Health & Fitness

Transcutaneous Electrical Vagal Stim for Migraine

This company. electrocore, is developing a handheld vagal nerve stimulation device that patients apply to their neck (presumably) for 2 minutes, twice daily and have had some good results.  Similar, but not as good as the results I’ve had for treating migraine with acupuncture. lead investigator, Peter Goadsby from UCSF

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