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Sauna, Heat Shock Proteins and Longevity

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Acupuncture decreases competitive anxiety prior to a competition in young athletes: a randomized controlled trial pilot study.

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Acupuncture for Dry Eyes

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Can Exercise Keep You Young?

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New Guidelines for Treatment of Back Pain: Acupuncture Included in Best Care

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Migraine and Sensory Hypersensitivity

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Microneedling, It’s all the Rage

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Inflammation and Probiotics: possible Alzheimer link

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21 Ways to Get Better Sleep

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Magnesium for Migraine Prevention

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Health & Fitness

Sauna, Heat Shock Proteins and Longevity

This is more from the Tim Ferriss podcast with Rhonda Patrick. A video on this topic at her website here. Heat shock proteins (HSP) can improve longevity. Purpose of HSP’s is to help all other proteins keep their structure, and delays protein degradation. Protein degradation can lead to damaging molecules and to an accumulation of…

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Health & Fitness

Acupuncture decreases competitive anxiety prior to a competition in young athletes: a randomized controlled trial pilot study.

This study looks at anxiety before competition and finds that acupuncture can help to mitigate it.  They use skin conductance as a physiological measure.  This concept of prevention of psychologic or physiologic distress is of great interest to me.  My hunch is that this is what underlies acupuncture effectiveness for migraine, allergy and other immune…

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Health & Fitness

Acupuncture for Dry Eyes

Hilarious.  This is an example of not seeing what’s right in front of your nose.  I finally broke down and went to the eye doctor because I have been suffering from eye irritation for over a year, assuming it was dry eyes.  It is, along with a bit of allergy.  Why didn’t I think about…

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Health & Fitness

Can Exercise Keep You Young?

Study in animals showing positive aging profiles in animals with exercise.  Not surprising, but nice to see. But shiny fur was the least of its benefits. Indeed, in heartening new research published last week in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, exercise reduced or eliminated almost every detrimental effect of aging in mice…

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Ethics in Medicine

New Guidelines for Treatment of Back Pain: Acupuncture Included in Best Care

http://www.cbsnews.com/news/new-guidelines-how-to-handle-back-pain/ “For pain lasting more than three months, treatments include stretching and strengthening exercises, tai chi, yoga, acupuncture, and mindfulness techniques like meditation to relieve stress.” By Jonathan LaPook CBS News February 13, 2017, 7:33 PM New guidelines outline how to handle back pain If you have an achy back, you’ve got company. As many…

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Health & Fitness

Migraine and Sensory Hypersensitivity

References for the sensory hypersensitivity and physiology thereof in migraineurs. Curr Pain Headache Rep. 2014 Nov;18(11):458. doi: 10.1007/s11916-014-0458-8. Migraine is associated with altered processing of sensory stimuli. Harriott AM1, Schwedt TJ. Author information Abstract Migraine is associated with derangements in perception of multiple sensory modalities including vision, hearing, smell, and somatosensation. Compared to people without…

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Ethics in Medicine

Microneedling, It’s all the Rage

I’ve been touting microneedling for years.  The one featured in this article costs $200.  The one I use costs $20. “On March 31, 2016, Jamie O’Banion, a former Miss Teen Texas with dewy, perfect skin, was barely 12 minutes into her debut on the Home Shopping Network’s beauty hour when a buzzer sounded and the…

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Ethics in Medicine

Inflammation and Probiotics: possible Alzheimer link

  I don’t know what to make of studies like this, and think it’s cruel to suggest that Alzheimer’s condition can be easily remedied.  Nonetheless, probiotics are safe, relatively cheap, and have other benefits.  So I don’t see much down side to adding them to the portfolio of low risk remedies.

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Health & Fitness

21 Ways to Get Better Sleep

Lots of tips from 5HTP, to L-Theanine, to Bananas… Keep the room cool if possible, no screens before bed!  And more. http://bottomlineinc.com/21-ways-to-get-the-best-sleep-of-your-life/

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Health & Fitness

Magnesium for Migraine Prevention

Migraine Headache Remedy for Treatment and Prevention

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