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Case Studies

Acupuncture in the Elderly: Part 1

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Case Studies

Acupuncture Organizations Have a Place at the Democratic Convention

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Case Studies

Treating Scars and Opposites

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Case Studies

Acupuncture Case Study: High Blood Pressure

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Case Studies

Treating High Blood Pressure in the Acupuncture Clini

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Case Studies

Follow up on patient with Severe Thoracic Spine Pain

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Case Studies

Severe Thoracic Spine Pain in a New Patient

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Case Studies

Blood Pressure Management and Acupuncture

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Case Studies

Typical Patient who comes to my Acupuncture Clinic

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Case Studies

Nice testimonial from a patient with allergies

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Case Studies

Acupuncture in the Elderly: Part 1

I have been wanting to show some case studies from the clinic to help the lay public to understand the benefits of acupuncture.  The elderly don’t frequently seek acupuncture treatment.  There are a few reasons for this.  Medicare Insurance doesn’t cover it, often they are on a fixed income, they are not used to paying…

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Case Studies

Acupuncture Organizations Have a Place at the Democratic Convention

This is great news, and kudos to these outstanding organizations for setting up these demonstrations.  I don’t see the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture represented, no surprise, I guess, since it such a small organization.   WHAT:    As part of the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, national and state leaders in the acupuncture and…

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Case Studies

Treating Scars and Opposites

This is a fascinating article discussing case histories of treating the opposite side and limb in intractable pain cases, and also the benefits of treating scars.  I remember a presentation at one of the Acupuncture Research Symposiums on treating scars, but has sort of forgotten about it.  Will try going forward and let you know. …

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Case Studies

Acupuncture Case Study: High Blood Pressure

I’ve been asked to feature some case studies in my blog and that seems to be a terrific idea. I will start with this patient who is, now, almost 70 years of age.  He is in a situation I’m starting to see more and more.  He is still working and has no plans to retire. …

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Case Studies

Treating High Blood Pressure in the Acupuncture Clini

This is the latest data on the patient we’ve been following on this blog here and here. He is maintaining control of his blood pressure very nicely in spite of the fact that he hasn’t been able to exercise as much as I recommend, nor has he taken the excess weight off. But he has…

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Case Studies

Follow up on patient with Severe Thoracic Spine Pain

This is the follow up on a patient I posted on earlier here. When the patient came in for a follow up visit, his pain was at a 5 level (5 out of 10.) He had had another episode of severe spasm the day before requiring Dilaudid. But it had resolved on its own. He…

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Case Studies

Severe Thoracic Spine Pain in a New Patient

I was off last week, trying to squeeze in a few vacation days, but ended up seeing an emergency patient who was desperate for some alternatives. He is a young man, 25, with chronic back pain on Methadone, Vicodin and Valium. He is able to work at his desk job in spite of the pain…

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Case Studies

Blood Pressure Management and Acupuncture

This is another case study. This patient had severe peripheral neuropathy in her feet when she presented to the clinic. She suspected that it was due to a statin she was taking so discontinued it. She also had blood pressure that was out of control and wanted to try another approach.The graph below shows her…

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Case Studies

Typical Patient who comes to my Acupuncture Clinic

I thought I might start to feature some case studies of some of my patients. This patient is particularly interesting. She is in her mid sixties and came in for help with Neuropathy of her feet. Her other problems include high cholesterol and high blood pressure. It turns out that the neuropathy was made much…

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Case Studies

Nice testimonial from a patient with allergies

Just for something different, I thought I’d share with you a testimonial from a patient I’ve been treating for allergic rhinitis. I received it yesterday and it hopefully speaks for itself. In this particular case, I started with acupuncture alone, and then added Astra Essence, an overall tonic with astragalus to strengthen the lung, as…

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