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Astra Essence for Longer Life

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Ethics in Medicine

Nutrition Facts: More than an apple a day

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Acupuncture: A type of hormesis?

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Elizabeth Blackburn on Science Education

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Healthy Bones: Recommendations

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Leg Cramp Remedies from New York Times

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Epidemic of Absence

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My Hero: Elizabeth Blackburn

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Unfair Pricing of Medical Care: An Outrage

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Ethics in Medicine

Parasitic Infections: Help Joint Inflammation?

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Health & Fitness

Astra Essence for Longer Life

I thought I would copy this message from Health Concerns in its entirety.  As many of my patients know, I’m a huge fan of Astra Essence and have been taking it for years.  It not only helps to stave off illness but counters the aging process.  The main ingredient, astragalus, has been linked to healthier…

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Ethics in Medicine

Nutrition Facts: More than an apple a day

 Click here for this informative video about simple nutrition and lifestyle advice for better living and  longer life.  The presenter makes the scary point that Medical Care is one of the largest contributors to premature death in the country!! (hat tip to Marsha Nunley, MD!)    

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Health & Fitness

Acupuncture: A type of hormesis?

  In working on the poster and exploring alternative models for acupuncture effectiveness for the “Discussion” section, I came across this article as cited in “Getting Stronger,” a blog devoted to hormesis. Interesting stuff. “External stressor-induced initial changes in the level of controlled variables are first detected by these molecular sensors. The signal is then…

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Health & Fitness

Elizabeth Blackburn on Science Education

  She calls for “immersion.”  Couldn’t agree more, though easier to do in post graduate education, obviously.

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Health & Fitness

Healthy Bones: Recommendations

    This article discusses options to optimize bone health in later years.  Weight bearing exercise is the ticket, but specific recommendations for squats (work up to 2 sets of 10)  are outlined in the article.  Also advised are walking (4 hours a week though 8 hours even better), walking uphill or up stairs, standing…

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Health & Fitness

Leg Cramp Remedies from New York Times

I get asked about this fairly frequently.  One common remedy that a patient  told me about was to drink one Gatorade a day. (I’m not sure what size.)   Nighttime leg cramps are a common problem: As many as 6 in 10 adults report experiencing them at some time. But researchers are not sure what…

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Ethics in Medicine

Epidemic of Absence

  I am making my way through “Epidemic of Absence” by Moises Velasquez-Manoff. (love the exotic name.)  It is a fascinating look at the research and thinking behind the theories that autoimmune conditions, including autism, may be because we’ve eradicated parasites, bacteria and some mycobacteria from our everyday environments. I would like to recommend the…

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Health & Fitness

My Hero: Elizabeth Blackburn

For those of us who revere and are in awe of great scientists, this article is a fun depiction of them having to draw their discoveries.  Goofy and endearing. Some of the Nobel laureates scrawled scientific formulas on the poster-sized paper. Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, Nobel Prize winner for physiology or medicine in 2008, drew the human…

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Health & Fitness

Unfair Pricing of Medical Care: An Outrage

An article outlining how unfair pricing is enriching hospitals and gouging patients. The Uninsured Pay the Highest Costs It also discussed the practice of hospitals buying up office practices so they can charge more for procedures done there.  We’ve discussed this topic recently here. Diagnosis: Insufficient Outrage By H. GILBERT WELCH HANOVER, N.H. — RECENT…

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Ethics in Medicine

Parasitic Infections: Help Joint Inflammation?

This article lays out the possibility that certain helminths (worms) may prove to be beneficial for joint disease.  It is very early   in the science, but from my uninformed reading of the material, there may be a link between autoimmune disease and parasites but in a beneficial way.  We discussed the possible link between…

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