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5 Ways Gut Bacteria Affect Health

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Gut Health and Mood: Dr. Agus and the Vagus nerve

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Brain Maker by David Perlmutter

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Healthy Habits that aren't

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Vitamins are not the Value of Fruits and Vegetables

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Ethics in Medicine

Better Sleep Helps to Mitigate Alzheimer's Disease

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Rio Grande Neuroscience: Electroceutical for Pain

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Hypertension: An Immune Disorder

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Fish Oil Claims Debunked

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From Task Force on Allergic Rhinitis: Acupuncture OK

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Health & Fitness

5 Ways Gut Bacteria Affect Health

This article (click on photo) outlines 5 ways that the bacteria in your gut can affect your health, including obesity, immunity, brain function, heart disease and infant colic.

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Health & Fitness

Gut Health and Mood: Dr. Agus and the Vagus nerve

Here is a good round up of the recent science behind gut bacteria and mood and the vagus nerve. (Vagus nerve activity is the focus of my research.) Click on photo below for the video from CBS Morning News and Dr. Agus.  

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Ethics in Medicine

Brain Maker by David Perlmutter

I will be discussing in brief, this book in the August Newsletter.   Melodramatic trailer for the book by clicking the photo below. He recommends probiotics (these 5–> lactobacillus plantarum,  lactobacillus acidopophilus, lactobacillus brevis, bifidobacterum lactis, and bifidobacterium longum.) He also recommends “prebiotics”, which are foods that feed good bacteria in a low-carb, high fat, high…

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Health & Fitness

Healthy Habits that aren't

  Nice run down of health myths.

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Health & Fitness

Vitamins are not the Value of Fruits and Vegetables

A very provocative take on why fruits and vegetables make you more resilient.  Hint: it’s not the vitamins.  They contain various “anti grazing” substances to keep them from being eaten and when we consume them, it is a form of hormesis, a mild stressor, that makes us stronger.  Vitamins actually block that stressor reaction and…

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Ethics in Medicine

Better Sleep Helps to Mitigate Alzheimer's Disease

Became aware of this very recent study listening to Science Friday.  It features two issues, well even three that I’m deeply interested in. 1. Sleep.  I’ve done a number of blog posts and newsletters on the importance of sleep and some natural means to sleep better. 2. Electroceuticals.  The researcher, Matthew Walker from UC Berkeley…

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Health & Fitness

Rio Grande Neuroscience: Electroceutical for Pain

I went to a talk a few weeks ago now by one of the principals at Rio Grande Neuroscience.  They’re doing promising work using “peripheral electro magnetic field” (PEMF) therapy. From their site–> ” (Rio Grande) is pioneering the investigation and application of electroceuticals™ in medicine. Evidence from studies in humans, animals, and cell culture…

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Health & Fitness

Hypertension: An Immune Disorder

Besides anxiety and allergies, hypertension is one of the more common ailments I treat.  Fascinating that it might, also, have an immune component. Immunity. 2014 Nov 20;41(5):673-4. Hypertension: an immune disorder? Tracey KJ1. Abstract T cell depletion can prevent hypertension in experimental animals. What is the nature of T cell activation in hypertension? In this issue…

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Health & Fitness

Fish Oil Claims Debunked

In study after study, no benefit has been found from fish oil.  Save your money and spend it on (good) food!

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Health & Fitness

From Task Force on Allergic Rhinitis: Acupuncture OK

If you scroll to the very bottom you see the “money quote.”  I know that sentence doesn’t seem like a big deal, but it actually is.  For them to not only include it in their guidelines, but even the abstract, is quite an endorsement. Nice! Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2015 Feb;152(1 Suppl):S1-43. doi: 10.1177/0194599814561600. Clinical…

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