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Kobe Bryant, Jason Kidd, Steve Nash Basketball Greats Stay Great with Acupuncture

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Intermittent fasting doubles cardiac risk?? A startling new study

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Health & Fitness

Use of Acupuncture for the Treatment of Sports-Related Injuries in Athletes:

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Use of Acupuncture for the Treatment of Sports-Related Injuries in Athletes: A Systematic Review of Case Reports

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When Cancer Should Not Be Called Cancer. Prostate Cancer

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Ethics in Medicine

Who Wants To Live Forever

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Integrative care: acupuncture neuromodulation therapy for diabetes and heart failure

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Acupuncture for benign prostatic hyperplasia: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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Auricular Acupressure for Sleep in Menopausal Women and HRV

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35 percent of U.S. women under 50 are iron deficient. It matters!!

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Health & Fitness

Kobe Bryant, Jason Kidd, Steve Nash Basketball Greats Stay Great with Acupuncture

When you make gazillions of dollars from you physical abilities, the last thing every NBA star would want to happen is injuries. . This video has three stories from the greats about their experience with acupuncture Find out who is the unlikely “connoissier of ancient medicine”, who was reluctant because of needle fear, and who…

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Health & Fitness

Intermittent fasting doubles cardiac risk?? A startling new study

I’ve covered time-restricted eating here.  And also recommended it in my new book!  We will see how the science settles out on this popular health hack. The analysis found: People who followed a pattern of eating all of their food across less than 8 hours per day had a 91% higher risk of death due…

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Health & Fitness

Use of Acupuncture for the Treatment of Sports-Related Injuries in Athletes:

I am surprised how few studies there have actually been on sports related unjuries and acupuncture, since  I see sports-related conditions so commonly in my clinic.  This study has included case reports, which are kind of useless.  But at least they tried to make some kind of assessment. Lee JW, Lee JH, Kim SY. Use…

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Health & Fitness

Use of Acupuncture for the Treatment of Sports-Related Injuries in Athletes: A Systematic Review of Case Reports

This systematic review examines the use of acupuncture in treating sports injuries in athletes, drawing from clinical case reports/series up to 21 August 2019. It identifies acupuncture as a beneficial, noninvasive method for managing various sports injuries and musculoskeletal disorders, highlighting its role in relieving short-term pain and aiding recovery. Despite the potential shown, the…

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Ethics in Medicine

When Cancer Should Not Be Called Cancer. Prostate Cancer

  Renaming the lowest-risk prostate cancer would cut down on overly aggressive treatment, some doctors say First, Do No Harm. This is often a difficult concept for patients to understand.  The drumbeat is always for more and more testing, and earlier and earlier diagnosis.  The fact remains, however, that too much information can be as…

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Ethics in Medicine

Who Wants To Live Forever

This article has some of the latest longevity developments for those interested. I wanted to highlight this section on Alzheimer’s research and the role of amyloid.  We’ve discussed this before in the blog , and the huge controversy about the approval of the drug Aduhelm in newsletters. This article discusses a new drug that targets…

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Health & Fitness

Integrative care: acupuncture neuromodulation therapy for diabetes and heart failure

Acupuncture is suggested as a potential adjunct treatment, particularly for its effects on the sympathetic nervous system and nitric oxide signaling, offering new avenues for addressing these interconnected diseases. The relationship between heart failure and diabetes is complex and two-way, with diabetes increasing heart failure risk due to insulin resistance, inflammation, and metabolic issues, leading…

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Health & Fitness

Acupuncture for benign prostatic hyperplasia: A systematic review and meta-analysis

I haven’t covered acupuncture and prostate health  too much on my blog, but I seem to be seeing it more in the clinic.   This review is positive. his systematic review and meta-analysis evaluated the effects of acupuncture on benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) through analysis of eight randomized controlled trials (RCTs) involving 661 men. Short-term benefits…

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Health & Fitness

Auricular Acupressure for Sleep in Menopausal Women and HRV

I submitted a paper years ago with Dr. Golianu concerning acupuncture and HRV for insomnia.  Apparently, they actually compared responders to nonresponders. As seen in other studies, nonresponders clinically usually do not show autonomic changes. Kung YY, Yang CC, Chiu JH, Kuo TB. The relationship of subjective sleep quality and cardiac autonomic nervous system in…

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Health & Fitness

35 percent of U.S. women under 50 are iron deficient. It matters!!

Full article here I’ve talked about this on the blog here.  Wow that was over 10 years ago! Roughly 35 percent of women of reproductive age in the United States don’t have sufficient amounts of iron in their bodies. And yet the nutritional deficiency, which can affect multiple functions, from immunity to cognition, often goes…

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