4.5.2020 New Corona Virus Cases Day by Day California and Bay Area

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4.5.2020 New Corona Virus Cases Day by Day California and Bay Area

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Corona Virus Doubling Rate San Francisco 4.5.2020

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Corona Virus Doubling Rate San Francisco 4.5.2020

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Corona Cases Bay Area Doubling Morning 4.4.2020

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Corona Cases Bay Area Doubling Morning 4.4.2020

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San Francisco Bay Area Case Numbers 4.3.2020 Flatten the Curve

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San Francisco Bay Area Case Numbers 4.3.2020 Flatten the Curve

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Inflammatory responses and inflammation-associated diseases in organs

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Corona Virus Cases Bay Area by County

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Corona Virus Cases Bay Area by County

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Cestode Parasites and Immunology

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Cestode Parasites and Immunology

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Anti-body test for Corona Virus Under Development UCSF

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Anti-body test for Corona Virus Under Development UCSF

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Corona Virus Graphs Updates 3.31.2020 a.m.

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Corona Virus Graphs Updates 3.31.2020 a.m.

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Corona Virus Cases Bay Area 3.29.2020 morning

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Corona Virus Cases Bay Area 3.29.2020 morning

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4.5.2020 New Corona Virus Cases Day by Day California and Bay Area

New cases are over a thousand, but not growing.  Good??

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Corona Virus Doubling Rate San Francisco 4.5.2020

Doubling every 7 days now from NYTimes Tracker.  Yesterday it was 8.  Los Angeles looks the same as yesterday, every 5 days.  Too soon to know!!

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Corona Cases Bay Area Doubling Morning 4.4.2020

We’re doubling every 8 days in San Francisco according to NYTimes tracker. Same as yesterday. Cases still increasing, but the slower the better. Flatten that curve!  LA below also at every 4 days, same as yesterday. Day by numbers represented below.

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San Francisco Bay Area Case Numbers 4.3.2020 Flatten the Curve

From the NYTimes interactive map.  It shows that SF cases are doubling every 8 days.  Of course, we want no doubling at all, but the slower the doubling, the easier to deal with the cases.  We are flattening the curve with our extreme measures, so take heart! I am also watching Los Angeles area closely. …

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Inflammatory responses and inflammation-associated diseases in organs

Back up resource for writing project. Inflammatory responses and inflammation-associated diseases in organs Linlin Chen,#1 Huidan Deng,#1 Hengmin Cui,1,2 Jing Fang,1,2 Zhicai Zuo,1,2 Junliang Deng,1,2 Yinglun Li,1,2 Xun Wang,1,2 and Ling Zhao1,2 Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Go to: Abstract Inflammation…

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Corona Virus Cases Bay Area by County

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Cestode Parasites and Immunology

This article is related to research and I might as well publish it here. It has to do with my interest in immunology and how acupuncture affects it.  Cestodes may give some insight. ttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23058631 Int J Parasitol. 2013 Mar;43(3-4):233-43. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpara.2012.09.005. Epub  2012 Oct 8. Cestode regulation of inflammation and inflammatory diseases. Hernandez JL1, Leung…

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Anti-body test for Corona Virus Under Development UCSF

If we know who is immune it can help us to isolate and quarantine and make that aspect of prevention more “surgical” instead of hammer. If so, researchers hope to learn whether people who had COVID-19 become immune to it, said Dr. George Rutherford, a UCSF infectious disease specialist. There is not enough data to…

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Corona Virus Graphs Updates 3.31.2020 a.m.

Our cases in California are still doubling every 4 days.  This trackerfrom CNN is a bit strange to use.  You need to hover over the gray lines, and above it will tell you the doubling rate. Our doubling rate is the lowest for a large state, by my reading. As for our cases in the…

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Corona Virus Cases Bay Area 3.29.2020 morning

San Francisco jumped 10%. Doubling in about 5 days.

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