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Ethics in Medicine

FDA Whistle Blowers on Radiation Hazards Victims of Surveillance

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Ethics in Medicine

Hazards of Hormones for Infertility

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Ethics in Medicine

Got Milk? Maybe not such a great idea

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Ethics in Medicine

A Record of Deception: the Story of Celebrex

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Ethics in Medicine

Drugs for Acid Reflux (GERD): Serious Hazards Abound for Long Term Use

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Ethics in Medicine

Addictive Pain Killers Protected by Lobbyists

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Ethics in Medicine

Bill Gates and Malaria Cure and Corporatism

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Ethics in Medicine

More on Radiation Risks

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Ethics in Medicine

Calcium, No Longer Recommended

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Ethics in Medicine

Diesel Exhaust and Cancer

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Ethics in Medicine

FDA Whistle Blowers on Radiation Hazards Victims of Surveillance

Again, this was a “lost post.”  So will just briefly link to the discussion.  We’ve discussed the hazards of radiation in the blog before.  But this Democracy Now radio segment talks about the FDA doctors who blew the whistle on serious health hazards and safety violations of CT colonoscopy devices that delivered 600 to 800…

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Ethics in Medicine

Hazards of Hormones for Infertility

I’m having to repost some blog posts because they were lost in the recent snafu’s with my website server.  The site was down for at least three days last week, and to reboot had to go to a previous version.  So if this post isn’t what you remembered, it’s because I’ve redone it. Anyway, this…

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Ethics in Medicine

Got Milk? Maybe not such a great idea

This is an informative article on the downsides of ingesting milk, from calories, to lactose intolerance to deadly alleries, to heartburn, to wasting of resources and tax money.   I urge you to read it in its entirety, and will just provide a short excerpt. July 7, 2012, 3:56 pm Got Milk? You Don’t Need It…

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Ethics in Medicine

A Record of Deception: the Story of Celebrex

We have discussed celebrex in the blog a bit here. comparing it to glucosamine Use Acupuncture and Supplements instead of anti-inflammatories! chondroitin and placebo.  It had no advantage over glucosamine.  Anecdotally, I have seen patients have gastrointestinal problems from it, which was supposed to be its selling point.  Again, just like the previous post on…

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Ethics in Medicine

Drugs for Acid Reflux (GERD): Serious Hazards Abound for Long Term Use

  I was happy to come across this comprehensive article about Acid Reflux (GERD) and the drugs prescribed to treat it, known as Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI’s.) Yet another Blockbuster Drug Category found to have many nasty side effects.  The brand names for these drugs are Nexium, Prevacid, and Prilosec.  These are extremely widely used,…

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Ethics in Medicine

Addictive Pain Killers Protected by Lobbyists

So even dangerous drugs that lead to addiction, ruined lives or deaths by overdose are protected by big business.  I guess it’s not surprising, you just follow the money.  These drugs are really strong, hard to get off of, and can do real damage. Lobbying Effort Is Said to Sink New Controls on Painkillers By…

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Ethics in Medicine

Bill Gates and Malaria Cure and Corporatism

Of course it’s great for Bill Gates to be putting a spot light on malaria, but whether he can apply the same skill set  used to build Microsoft to stamp out malaria, remains to be seen.  For anyone interested in the issue of the corporate mindset, and the reliance on metrics, and complicated public health…

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Ethics in Medicine

More on Radiation Risks

Any readers of the blog are familiar with the risks of radiation, a recent study on children and the panel of specialists who have cautioned against CT scans for rhinosinusitis and for early breast and prostate cancers.  The risk is relatively small, but best to minimize the exposure if possible.  Something that Dr. Redberg said…

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Ethics in Medicine

Calcium, No Longer Recommended

I’m personally happy about this, since I never could figure out a good way to take the Calcium.  The chewables left a sugary taste and the regular pills were hard to digest.  So the bottom line of the article is that you get enough from food. Yay!  But don’t forget your weight bearing exercise!! This…

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Ethics in Medicine

Diesel Exhaust and Cancer

In the “First Do No Harm” category, we have more ill effects of burning fossil fuels. I think I may need to add a category called “People Being Afraid of the Wrong Things.”  With all the concern about terrorism, swine flu, Western Equine, and then something as ubiquitous as diesel fumes being highly carcinogenic, makes…

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