Tag: acupuncture and migraine

Case Studies

Acupuncture, Stress Levels and Chronic Intractable Migraine: Af.Es. editioin

This data is from a relatively new patient who has severe, chronic migraine.  He is on multiple medications.  He takes daily medications, anti-anxiety medications, and tryptans for attacks.  The first priority is to try to stabilize his system with acupuncture and avoiding tryptans whenever possible.  He is unable to work, so the disability he is…

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Case Studies

Acupuncture, Stress Levels (HRV), and Vestibular Migraine: El.Di. edition

This is another story from the clinic with data.  This is patient who has dizziness with headache, high blood pressure, and anxiety.  All of these conditions seem linked.  He carries a diagnosis of Vestibular Migraine, but it’s hard to know if his is an actual migraine type condition or something else.  Migraine patients have certain…

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Case Studies

TaVNS and HRV: Clinical Studies El.Ma. Edition

One more chapter in the TAVNS story.  We have discussed this patient before,  here and here.  This is a young woman, migraineur, who has had dramatic and almost complete remission of her migraines.  She has had one or two “break through” headaches during her menstrual cycles, but for the most part is headache free and…

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Case Studies

TaVNS and HRV: Case Study Pa.Co. edition

As another chapter in the story of TAVNS (Transcutaneous Auricular Vagal Nerve Stimulation) in the clinic, this patient seems to have the opposite effect from the previous patient.  Obviously, there is a lot of “noise” in the system, but he seems to have lower stress levels during treatment when TaVNS is added.  I have yet…

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Case Studies

Migraines, Neuromodulation, Acupuncture and HRV:Clinical Study El.Ma.

This is another example of a migraine patient showing marked parasympathetic increase, sympathetic decrease with TaVNS or transcutaneous auricular vagal nerve stimulation in conjunction with acupuncture.  I realize that the data sets are still sparse, but interesting nonetheless.  This patient had quick diminution of her migraines after starting acupuncture over 1 year ago and now…

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Case Studies

Acupuncture and Neuromodulation for Migraines: Clinical Case Study Ne.Be.

This data is from a patient who has been coming to the clinic for acupuncture for migraines for 3 years.  His migraines are not totally gone, but he’s extremely happy with the once per month frequency he is now experiencing.  He used to have migraines 3 to 4 times per week.  Somehow, he was still…

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Ethics in Medicine

Acupuncture Better than Botox, Meds for Migraines

In this study of 108 migraineurs, Acupuncture produced better results than botox or pharmaceuticals.  Their succinct conclusion “Acupuncture, botulinum toxin-A injection and pharmacological treatment have beneficial effects on chronic migraine; however, acupuncture showed more effectiveness and fewer complications.” Nice! Caspian J Intern Med. 2017 Summer;8(3):196-204. doi: 10.22088/cjim.8.3.196. Acupuncture and botulinum toxin A injection in the…

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Case Studies

Increased Sympathetic Activity in Headache Patients

This article compares autonomic activity in headache patients.  They make no distinction between headache and migraine. Though I’d expected as much, they found lower parasympathetic activity and higher sympathetic activity in headache patients. I do have one patient who has had remarkable results with acupuncture, but his stress levels remain quite high. Other than his case,…

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Case Studies

TAVNS (transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation) and HRV: Jo.Ru., La.Ja. edition

As blog readers may know, I’ve been experimenting with TAVNS in patients, not only to see how they feel with/after treatment, but also to study their HRV (stress levels) with it.  As with most of my clinical work, the results are always somewhat equivocal.  Since I can never tell if the result is real, ie….

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Case Studies

Stress Monitoring (HRV), Acupuncture and Migraine: Sh.Pa. edition

This data is from a relatively new patient with migraines.  She has had few migraines since starting acupuncture treatment, but it’s early yet, so hard to know for sure.                   This data represents overall stress levels.     Parasympathetic Activity represents “rest and digest” autonomic nervous system…

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