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Medical Research

Role of non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation, TAVNS in cancer pathology and immunotherapy: Can this be a hidden treasure, especially for the elderly?

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Medical Research

The evolving obesity challenge: targeting the vagus nerve and the inflammatory reflex in the response

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Medical Research

Long covid, the gut and vagus nerve

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Medical Research

New Explanation for Long Covid

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Medical Research

Nobel Prize Goes to Tenacious, Hero for MRNA Covid Vaccine

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Medical Research

Effect of electroacupuncture at ST36 on the cerebral metabolic kinetics of rheumatoid arthritis rats

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Health & Fitness

Hormesis/preconditioning mechanisms, the nervous system and aging

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Medical Research

Cardiovascular effects of auricular stimulation – and auricular acupuncture

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Hormesis and Anti-Aging

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Case Studies

Effectiveness of Acupuncture for Pain Control After Cesarean Delivery: A Randomized Clinical Trial

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Medical Research

Role of non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation, TAVNS in cancer pathology and immunotherapy: Can this be a hidden treasure, especially for the elderly?

  Some patients may be aware that I use TAVNS, or ear stimulation in the clinic in conjunction with acupuncture.  It’s a non-invasive means of stimulating the vagus nerve through a branch of the vagus in the ear.  The proof of the efficacy of TAVNS is getting more robust.  These authors from Hong Kong make…

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Medical Research

The evolving obesity challenge: targeting the vagus nerve and the inflammatory reflex in the response

This research article  emphasizes bioelectronic medicine as a  solution to obesity.  Acupuncture also activates the vagus nerve!  So does TAVNS, something I use in the clinic in conjunction with acupuncture.  (Note well that this article came out in 2021 before the Ozempic phenonenon.  But if past is any indication of future, there will be problems…

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Medical Research

Long covid, the gut and vagus nerve

This NPR transcript, which you can read below,  says that scientists think that there may be some corona virus that remains in the gut causing the “Brain Fog” symptoms of Long Covid.  The cause of the brain fog, is a reduction in serotonin.  The virus, or pieces of the virus, may be leading to inflammation…

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Medical Research

New Explanation for Long Covid

The new theory behind some of the symptoms of Long Covid is that the virus stays in the gut. This article from the New York Times explains that the residual virus tends up  depleting seratonin levels. The following quote is important.  Peripheral serotonin deficiency impairs cognition via reduced vagal signaling I went to a conference…

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Medical Research

Nobel Prize Goes to Tenacious, Hero for MRNA Covid Vaccine

Incredible and inspiring story of this talented and indomitable scientist.  I told her story here. She worked in a borrowed lab, for little pay but was determined the mrna held potential for cloning. She has now won the Nobel Prize!!  What a story!  So fantastic.  Well deserved and bravo!!!  

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Medical Research

Effect of electroacupuncture at ST36 on the cerebral metabolic kinetics of rheumatoid arthritis rats

This animal study looks at the effects of acupuncture on Stomach 36 on brain metabolism in rheumatoid arthritis rats.  The electroacupuncture improved the animals’ arthritic symptoms, but also altered their brain metabolic markers especially in the PAG, and hippocampus. Liang F, Du L, Rao X, Li Y, Long W, Tian J, Zhu X, Zou A,…

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Health & Fitness

Hormesis/preconditioning mechanisms, the nervous system and aging

Organisms face various stressors throughout life, necessitating adaptive responses to prevent disease and death. Environmental factors like dietary restriction, exercise, and cognitive stimulation may enhance health and longevity through a hormesis-like mechanism. This article delves into the hormesis hypothesis for disease resistance and longevity, emphasizing nervous system studies. Arumugam TV, Gleichmann M, Tang SC, Mattson…

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Medical Research

Cardiovascular effects of auricular stimulation – and auricular acupuncture

Readers may be aware that I’ve been using transcutaneous vagal nerve stimulation in the clinic, usually with heart rate variability monitoring.  It can increase vagal “rest-and-digest” activity, lowering anxiety, blood pressure and anxiety and improving mood.  It’s also been studied for cardiac effects. The number of studies on auricular stimulation (AS) techniques, including transauricular vagus…

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Health & Fitness

Hormesis and Anti-Aging

This is a fantastic summary of how hormesis help us  throw off “the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.” Single or multiple exposure to low doses of otherwise harmful agents, such as irradiation, food limitation, heat stress, hypergravity, reactive oxygen species and other free radicals have a variety of anti-aging and longevity-extending hormetic effects. “Although…

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Case Studies

Effectiveness of Acupuncture for Pain Control After Cesarean Delivery: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Is adding preoperative acupuncture to standard pharmacological therapy effective for pain control in patients after cesarean delivery?This study interests me for a couple of reasons. Post op pain is common.  It is also very common to receive opiates after surgeries.  Anything to decrease pain post op is to be investigated. Usichenko is a researcher I…

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