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New Thoughts on Sleep Patterns: Look to the Old Ways

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Ethics in Medicine

Turn off the Computer Before Bed!

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Diet and Male DNA and Fertility

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Static versus Dynamic Stretching

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Acupuncture Organizations Have a Place at the Democratic Convention

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Autoimmune Causes of Autism?

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Iron Supplements CAN Help Fatigue in Women

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Ethics in Medicine

Got Milk? Maybe not such a great idea

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Anti Aging in Bees

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Meditation, Monks, Nuns and Telomeres

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Health & Fitness

New Thoughts on Sleep Patterns: Look to the Old Ways

I’ve wondered about this over the years, whether there are more than one “normal” sleeping patterns. In this article, napping is discussed (natch) but also the more primitive pattern of a “first sleep” and “second sleep.”  The time in between these two segments can be extremely creative, apparently. Now that I sleep more lightly, it’s…

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Ethics in Medicine

Turn off the Computer Before Bed!

We’ve discussed tricks to improve sleep quality on the blog before, but this reiterates the wisdom of turning off the screen well before time to go to bed.  If there only was something to read that didn’t emit light, that was easy to hold, didn’t require electricity, was made of recyclable materials, and was really…

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Health & Fitness

Diet and Male DNA and Fertility

The results of this study would seem common sense, thought I don’t really know what “rich in micronutrients” would translate to taking exogenous vitamins exactly.  In this study, they correlated taking Vitamin C, and also Vitamin E, zinc and folate.   Presumably, a diet rich in vegetables and some fruits, but they ci  There was also…

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Health & Fitness

Static versus Dynamic Stretching

  A nice article on the advantages of dynamic stretching before exercise rather than static stretching.  Dynamic stretching before running, for example would be deep forward stepping lunges, static would be the “against the wall” stretch or ankle grab quad stretch.  It lays out how the static stretch can actually make the muscle somewhat weaker…

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Case Studies

Acupuncture Organizations Have a Place at the Democratic Convention

This is great news, and kudos to these outstanding organizations for setting up these demonstrations.  I don’t see the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture represented, no surprise, I guess, since it such a small organization.   WHAT:    As part of the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, national and state leaders in the acupuncture and…

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Health & Fitness

Autoimmune Causes of Autism?

Extremely interesting article about autism and the possible causes that begin in utero in mothers who have autoimmune conditions.  If you have time, you should read the whole thing.  This is of great interest to me since it has become so common and such a plague, 1 in 88 children!!  The autism phenomenon post dates…

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Health & Fitness

Iron Supplements CAN Help Fatigue in Women

A follow up blog post on fatigue and iron.  We discussed the topic here, and now there is a recent study that iron, can, indeed, help fatigue in women.  This is such an obvious concept, I’m puzzled why there is such push back against giving iron.  The downside in menstruating women is miniscule and yet…

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Ethics in Medicine

Got Milk? Maybe not such a great idea

This is an informative article on the downsides of ingesting milk, from calories, to lactose intolerance to deadly alleries, to heartburn, to wasting of resources and tax money.   I urge you to read it in its entirety, and will just provide a short excerpt. July 7, 2012, 3:56 pm Got Milk? You Don’t Need It…

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Health & Fitness

Anti Aging in Bees

From the wires, aging in bees is reversed. A friend cited this study on her facebook page and it interests me because anti aging is part of the “charter” of Chinese Medicine with a lot of thought, theory and effort going into it.  But it also brings up a few things I’ve wondered about.  One…

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Health & Fitness

Meditation, Monks, Nuns and Telomeres

An article from the San Francisco Chronicle hightlights research that has been ongoing on meditation and brain function.  In this article they focus on studies being done at Stanford using fMRI on experienced meditators and what happens to their brains.  For those interested in the details, please click through to the article.  Again, I’m far…

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