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Ethics in Medicine

Microneedling, It’s all the Rage

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Ethics in Medicine

Statins Can Increase Risk of Brain Hemorrhage

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Ethics in Medicine

Inflammation and Probiotics: possible Alzheimer link

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Case Studies

Adaptive Homeostasis: Beyond Hormesis: Acupuncture as Illustration

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Ethics in Medicine

Hormonal Contraceptives Increase Depression

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Ethics in Medicine

Hypertension: Natural Remedies

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Ethics in Medicine

Women Biohackers

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Ethics in Medicine

Medtronic Causes Problems Using Devices Off Label

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Ethics in Medicine

Research Casting Doubt on Acupuncture

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Ethics in Medicine

Bad Science- John Oliver

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Ethics in Medicine

Microneedling, It’s all the Rage

I’ve been touting microneedling for years.  The one featured in this article costs $200.  The one I use costs $20. “On March 31, 2016, Jamie O’Banion, a former Miss Teen Texas with dewy, perfect skin, was barely 12 minutes into her debut on the Home Shopping Network’s beauty hour when a buzzer sounded and the…

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Ethics in Medicine

Statins Can Increase Risk of Brain Hemorrhage

Statin Drugs Increase Risk for Brain Hemorrhage

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Ethics in Medicine

Inflammation and Probiotics: possible Alzheimer link

  I don’t know what to make of studies like this, and think it’s cruel to suggest that Alzheimer’s condition can be easily remedied.  Nonetheless, probiotics are safe, relatively cheap, and have other benefits.  So I don’t see much down side to adding them to the portfolio of low risk remedies.

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Case Studies

Adaptive Homeostasis: Beyond Hormesis: Acupuncture as Illustration

I maintain that acupuncture is a form of hormesis.  After listening to the latest Ferriss podcast about raptomycin and metformin for life extension, I just shake my head.  Risk/benefit not defined if you’re going to use them for life extension.  Acupuncture is self regulating, urging the body to heal itself.  The most elegant of remedies. …

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Ethics in Medicine

Hormonal Contraceptives Increase Depression

  Danish study shows that hormonal contraceptives lead to depression in 40% of patients.  This was a study of over one million patients!!  The Mirena IUD increased risk 300%.  This is a huge problem.  I’ve certainly noticed it anecdotally in patients and personal contacts, but just wow.  That’s a big risk and extremely underappreciated.  Go…

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Ethics in Medicine

Hypertension: Natural Remedies

  There is a great need for natural methods to lower blood pressure.  It can be a dangerous problem, and the medications have multiple side effects from annoying to disabling. I have published on the use of Acupuncture to lower blood pressure, but there are other natural means.  I am reading “How Not to Die”…

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Ethics in Medicine

Women Biohackers

Things are getting interesting. “Amid the #timeisprecious crucible of start-up-landia, wellness culture has created a movement pitched to knowledge workers, applying their love of disrupting traditional systems to the human body — as one start-up puts it, “the next big innovation platform.” While the most fervent among them wait for Elon Musk’s neural lace to…

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Ethics in Medicine

Medtronic Causes Problems Using Devices Off Label

Whistleblower case contends surgical device maker misled FDA — and patients paid the price  

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Ethics in Medicine

Research Casting Doubt on Acupuncture

Through some web searching, I was able to find a copy of this paper that’s not behind a subscription firewall. These kinds of papers have been coming out for decades.  It’s a safe bet as a journalist to criticize acupuncture, it’s a kiss up kick down, comforting the comfortable gambit. There are no heavy hitters…

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Ethics in Medicine

Bad Science- John Oliver

This is another brilliant segment by John Oliver.   There is so much in it that is important, but in particular, the point that studies are very seldom repeated because they are thankless.  Junk science abounds.  Beware!

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