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Ethics in Medicine

UCSF, Stanford Study shows that environment plays bigger role in autism

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Ethics in Medicine

Unprecedented. Experts decry Medtronic Studies.

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Ethics in Medicine

Lies, Damn Lies and Medical Science

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Ethics in Medicine

Cholesterol Drugs (Statins) Linked With Diabetes Risk

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Ethics in Medicine

Letter to the Economist

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Ethics in Medicine

Head of Integrative Medicine at Scripps contributes to the Atlantic Debate

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Ethics in Medicine

The Economist, "Think Yourself Better"

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Ethics in Medicine

The Economist, “Think Yourself Better”

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Ethics in Medicine

Alternative Medicine Article from the Economist

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Ethics in Medicine

The Triumph of New-Age Medicine

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Ethics in Medicine

UCSF, Stanford Study shows that environment plays bigger role in autism

UCSF, Stanford autism study shows surprises Erin Allday, Chronicle Staff Writer Tuesday, July 5, 2011 San Francisco — Environmental factors play a more important role in causing autism than previously assumed and, surprisingly, an even larger role than genetics, according to a new study out of UCSF and Stanford that could force a dramatic swing…

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Ethics in Medicine

Unprecedented. Experts decry Medtronic Studies.

From the New York Times. A few of my other posts on conflicts of interest in corporate research here, here,and here.Spine Experts Repudiate Medtronic StudiesBy BARRY MEIER and DUFF WILSON In an extraordinary move, a group of spine specialists are publicly repudiating the research of other experts that has backed the widespread use of a…

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Ethics in Medicine

Lies, Damn Lies and Medical Science

In researching the Alternative Medicine Debate from yesterday, I came upon this article from the Atlantic from last November. It is entitled,”Lies, Damn Lies, and Medical Science.” And I’m sorry for the length of this post, but even at this length, there was more in the article I wanted to share. It concerns a Harvard…

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Ethics in Medicine

Cholesterol Drugs (Statins) Linked With Diabetes Risk

Who could have predicted that a highly lucrative drug might turn out to have some unpredicted nasty side effects? I have posted before about statins, since I’ve seen cases in my clinic of people with new muscle aches and pains, or back pain, or shoulder pain, etc… that started when they started taking statins. The…

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Ethics in Medicine

Letter to the Economist

Just for the sake of completeness, I will post my letter to the Economist here. I didn’t get it in in a timely fashion because of my last Spain trip in May, but I’ll “publish” it here instead. It is in response to the Economist articles about Alternative Medicine, here and here.Sir:I was amused and…

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Ethics in Medicine

Head of Integrative Medicine at Scripps contributes to the Atlantic Debate

Though I would have to say that there hasn’t been much coming from the other side on this “debate.” Of course, I agree with the majority of commenters at the Atlantic, but it could be more balanced. I will excerpt a bit from Mimi Guarneri’s contribution. (Notice the title of her article, ahem…) (For more…

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Ethics in Medicine

The Economist, "Think Yourself Better"

Here is another letter in rebuttal to the articles in the Economist. I would also direct you to my previous post about believing in treatments that don’t work, but they make sense, dammit! SIR – I have for years used acupuncture with good results, particularly in cases that have not responded to the medications and…

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Ethics in Medicine

The Economist, “Think Yourself Better”

Here is another letter in rebuttal to the articles in the Economist. I would also direct you to my previous post about believing in treatments that don’t work, but they make sense, dammit! SIR – I have for years used acupuncture with good results, particularly in cases that have not responded to the medications and…

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Ethics in Medicine

Alternative Medicine Article from the Economist

Here is the link from a recent article from the Economist about Alternative Medicine. It takes a hostile attitude towards alternative medicine, of all varieties, decries the money patients will spend on it, and then chalks it all up to placebo. Sigh. The article doesn’t differentiate between homeopathy, massage, yoga, acupuncture. Makes no mention of…

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Ethics in Medicine

The Triumph of New-Age Medicine

I must be the opposite of ADD. I’ve been deeply involved with some research issues, which I hope to blog about in the near future, and finally poked my head up to realize that I have sorely neglected my blog. I hope to post in the next few days on what I’ve been up to…

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