Migraine Treatment Success: HRV data over time | Kristen Sparrow, MD
Case Studies

Migraine Treatment Success: HRV data over time (Ne.Be)

Kristen Sparrow • September 14, 2016

statue of Kuan YinThis data has been collected since the first treatment.  He had severe migraines, 3/week and was in the last year of an extremely high pressure, public project.  Insomnia was another issue and it affected the migraines, with poor sleep often triggering a migraine.

Points I want to emphasize for  you.

  1.  Patient had clinical results relatively early, as we saw here, with a diminution in number and severity of headaches.  He has now gone more than 3 months with no migraine, but this is after  1 1/2 years of acupuncture treatment.
  2. In spite of positive clinical results, he did not show the decrease in stress after needling over the 20 minutes of treatment.  This is often the sign of a clinical responder, which he did not have.
  3. Over time, I couldn’t perceive any change in his autonomic balance, in spite of excellent clinical results until I took the time to chart his DFAα1, a nonlinear method.  This data shows significant change over time.
  4. Of course, I’m happy with such excellent results and pleased that at least part of my hypothesis holds, that effective treatment can follow a decrease in stress over time.  HOWEVER, this also underscores the driving force of this study.  Why can’t we get results faster?  Should it really take over a year to see a decrease in stress?  Can’t we figure out the basic principles better so that we could see this over 3 months?  3 weeks?  Perhaps not, perhaps the body just takes time to make such a shift.  But still, that is the goal.
  5. ne-be-dfa-overtime-9-12-16I realize that this is very “noisy” data, but the trend is clear.  I will also add a moving average snapshot of all of his data
  6. ne-be-9-12-16-dfa-moving-ave