Health & Fitness

Garlic and Soup: More Longevity Tips from Dr. Mao

Kristen Sparrow • December 12, 2011

Here is what Dr. Mao(1) says about Garlic

A Garlic Clove every day
The delicious ingredient that spices up Italian food does a lot more than whet your appetite. Studies indicate that allicin, the active ingredient in garlic, can prevent atherosclerosis and coronary blockage, lower cholesterol, reduce blood clot formation, stimulate the pituitary, regulate blood sugar, and prevent cancer. As an antibacterial, it is often used to treat minor infections. To balance out its pungency, eat some breath-freshening parsley.

(I always love it when something I like anyway turns out to be so good for you!)
I like this tip about soup, too.

To Slim Down, Fill up with Soup
One simple dietary change can cut your risk of being counted in the premature death statistics–eat soup at least once a day. ..Bottom line: people who eat one or more bowls of soup each day lose more weight than those who eat the same number of calories but don’t eat soup. Homemade is best…

Dr. Mao Shing Ni ” Secrets of Longevity”
More on my practice here.