Kristen Sparrow • March 22, 2015
This data is a follow up on this post.
As it turns out, this patient has had good results. His migraines, though still happening (of course) are less intense and much less frequent. He is very encouraged, and in spite of an incredibly busy work schedule, pressure, travel etc… is determined to keep coming. This is exactly what I like to see.
This shows the compilation of his HRV data for his visits. The data for the last visit, as with the others, when looked at in very short intervals (3 minutes) shows, again a pronounced stress reduction after needling. It remains to be seen what happens clinically, but there does seem to be an overall stress reduction also. (Update: As of his last visit 3.30.15, in spite of a heavy travel schedule, his migraines have remained controlled.) So what you see is is a steep decline during treatment, sometimes a decrease of more that 6 fold.