Case Studies

Acupuncture and Migraine

Kristen Sparrow • August 09, 2014

longevity23-150x150This clinical case study concerns a 30+ year old female who presented with a 6 month history of headache, fatigue and weight gain.  She had been given a diagnosis of migraine, a sort of atypical type, where the fatigue was part of the syndrome.  The fatigue was seen as a “migraine equivalent.”  From a Chinese Medicine perspective, the patient looked slightly pale but otherwise robust.  From pulse dx she seemed to have a heart/kidney rupture and weak, thready liver pulse.  After receiving two acupuncture treatments, I recommended Astra Essence and Slow Fe iron supplementation.
After 4 treatments, she emailed me to report that she had had a dramatically altered menstrual cycle, much more prolonged and heavier than usual.  This type of departure from the norm is often upsetting for the patients, and she thought it was due to the Astra Essence.  I assured her that it was most likely due to the treatment, and that it was all for the best.  Sometimes we see this, of a “shift” in the cycle which then leads to better health.
Indeed, this is what occurred in her case.  Once that cycle was over, she has been feeling much better and headaches are gone.  She has now completed 8 weekly treatments, and will continue since she wants to be sure to persist in feeling well.
The big “but” in this case study, is that her HRV did not reflect any of this shift in the slightest.  I have gone over all of her data with a fine tooth comb and cannot find any hint of a change in her HRV.   So good news and bad on this one…  Makes me wonder if I am simply asking the wrong questions. Sigh.