Tag: TAVNS and inflammation

Medical Research

Role of non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation, TAVNS in cancer pathology and immunotherapy: Can this be a hidden treasure, especially for the elderly?

  Some patients may be aware that I use TAVNS, or ear stimulation in the clinic in conjunction with acupuncture.  It’s a non-invasive means of stimulating the vagus nerve through a branch of the vagus in the ear.  The proof of the efficacy of TAVNS is getting more robust.  These authors from Hong Kong make…

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Medical Research

The evolving obesity challenge: targeting the vagus nerve and the inflammatory reflex in the response

This research article  emphasizes bioelectronic medicine as a  solution to obesity.  Acupuncture also activates the vagus nerve!  So does TAVNS, something I use in the clinic in conjunction with acupuncture.  (Note well that this article came out in 2021 before the Ozempic phenonenon.  But if past is any indication of future, there will be problems…

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Medical Research

Transcutaneous Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation Improves Inflammation but Does Not Interfere with Cardiac Modulation and Clinical Symptoms of Individuals with COVID-19:

When I went to the Neuromodulation conference in May in Barcelona, there was a presentation by someone from Sevilla, who showed improvement in symptoms in patients in the hospital with Covid.  Since inflammation plays such a key role in Covid 19 symptoms and disability, any safe means of decreasing inflammation would be welcome.  TAVNS can…

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Medical Research

Transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation and heart rate variability: Analysis of parameters and targets

Use of Trancutaneous Auricular Vagal Nerve Stimulation TAVNS, might be helpful to augment acupuncture for many different conditions since improved parasympathetic activity can mitigate inflammation globally in the body.  I’ve been studying this with HRV in conjunction with acupuncture, which also improves parasympathetic activity. Machetanz K, Berelidze L, Guggenberger R, Gharabaghi A. Transcutaneous auricular vagus…

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Investigational treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with a vibrotactile device applied to the external ear

Tracey has looked at HRV in conjunction with diseases of increased cytokines such as rhuematoid arthritis.  Too bad he didn’t look at it in this study. Bioelectron Med. 2019; 5: 4. Published online 2019 Apr 17. doi: 10.1186/s42234-019-0020-4 PMCID: PMC7098240 Investigational treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with a vibrotactile device applied to the external ear Meghan E….

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Why does inflammation seem to underlie all sickness? culprit in diseases ranging from arthritis to depression

I’m linking to this article on inflammation which I’ve covered many times in the blog, in hopes that a different writer might make it easier to understand for my readers why I’m so preoccupied with this topic! According to the authors of a 2015 British Journal of Nutrition (BJN) study, inflammation is the immune system’s…

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